Saturday, June 25, 2011

amor y paz

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  • NNReddy
    09-05 12:57 AM
    I came to USA in July 1997. I did my masters here. I worked for 3 fortune 500 companies so far. I have been with one company since last 11 years. I am on EB3(mar 2003). I am a senior manager in fortune 50 company and on the path towards directorship. I wish I had green card, that didn't prevent me from having a good life and career. I brought an house 10 years ago. All I can see few more years of wait. Reg' Pappu post about action, the only action I can take is converting my case to EB2, which I tried several times within the company and it didn't work. The second action I can take is change employer. I have a good career, pay in this job, not sure if I would be able to get same one outside.

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  • pictures signo de amor y paz.

  • krishnam70
    07-20 04:08 PM
    She recently announced in her campaign that she will increase the H1B visas
    She also made a statement that she will try for more benefits for permanent residents.

    She does not want to support only the people who are in the process of immigration???

    Whats up with that.

    May be she is afraid of Lou Dobbs...Recently he has been criticizing her for her Indian ties

    or may be she is pro Rich Indian Americans ... this might sound ridiculous but her voting ney is crazy

    They always comment about us stealing the middle class jobs...tell me one case where they don't prefer US citizen over immigrant.
    I have been interviewing for couple of companies ...the first question they ask is ...Are you US citizen 2nd question r u Permanent resident
    Then we are sorry.

    Companies do not prefer US citizens over Immigrants...I don't know where this misconception comes in to play...
    There was a guy in our office who used to complain about Chineese and Indians stealing jobs...Believe he is a big slacker ..he recently got fired...people like him form these programmers guilds.

    We do not work for less and we are not paid less...may be they deduct our Gc expenses but not much

    Why is there a misconception about us?

    Lets get this thought out of these bone heads

    We are not middle class job stealers...We are the building blocks of a strong middle class

    proves that she is a double talker and just wants money. When the time comes to get in front of the Indian community she sweet talks about the values and hardworking nature of the community and swears to support the community and immigrants and takes in Huge contributions. Time to vote on major efforts that do help the community really and she votes 'no' obviously its her nature to double talk and some talk show hosts have rightly identified that and drill her on that. I think its time we showed to the clintons and all those who failed us this time that our community does count and we are going to make it felt.

    amor y paz. fotos de amor y paz. simbolo
  • fotos de amor y paz. simbolo

  • lonedesi
    08-06 10:51 AM
    I checked with IV core and few attorneys regarding this issue. You will need the consent of the employer since we are dealing with I-140 petition. Please speak to your HR and try convincing them to support you. We are not asking USCIS to expedite our cases. All we are asking is follow the FIFO and process cases in an orderly manner.

    2011 pictures signo de amor y paz. amor y paz. 2011 de amor y paz;
  • 2011 de amor y paz;

  • NolaIndian32
    06-11 01:40 PM
    Here is a small contribution from me today.

    $25 check made out to IV - 6/11/08
    Placed in mail to IV - 6/12/08.


    amor y paz. 2010 Amor y paz Karla xitlaly
  • 2010 Amor y paz Karla xitlaly

  • WeShallOvercome
    07-20 05:29 PM
    And who says only Matthew Oh has all the right to create sensations ! :)

    If you are determined to make sensational calculations and postings then who can stop you, but seriously stop assuming things.

    1st assumption: 750000 applicants (realistic figure near 500,000)
    2nd assumption: all are adults (why would kids need EAD, and there would be several in that category)
    3. it takes only 5 mts could take more or less who knows,
    4. work hrs
    5. number of people.

    Stop being so negative and sensationalizing everything. There are more genuine problems to talk about.

    amor y paz. Amor y Paz Canvas Bags by
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  • singhsa3
    07-20 12:34 PM
    You can change the assumption of the calculations. 750,000 are anticipated number of applicants. Now, even if u reduce it by half, i.e. 375,000, the wait could be more than a year long.
    Plus we do not know if there are 10 or 100 people working on EAD stuff. Lower this number , longer would be the wait.
    I don't believe all 750000 are EAD wannabies!


    amor y paz. simbolo amor y paz. simbolo
  • simbolo amor y paz. simbolo

  • spicy_guy
    10-21 06:49 PM
    I am still not sure, if its considered 8+2=10 months to complete the PERM labor or we should just consider 2 months from start. Every application should go through the first part of it ( in this case 8 months). Right?

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  • de amor y paz. simbolos

  • gumpena
    07-20 03:11 PM
    Kennedy, Clinton voted against this... I dont know what they are thinking..


    amor y paz. amor y paz
  • amor y paz

  • chanduv23
    05-14 09:38 PM
    Here is the scoop.

    from US Congresswoman's office, an immigration specialist spoke to their liaison at the Nebraska Service Center.

    Liaison confirmed the following:

    1. I-140 approval in September, 2007 (actually 09/04/2009 as I have the hard copy)
    2. I-140 revocation in Feb, 2009 ( he has not provided the day of the month, but from LUD I have it strongly pointing to 02/03/2009)
    I have not told the Congresswoman's office about the I-140 revocation. Just mentioned that it might have happened as I have left the company.

    3. Liaison did confirm that even after the I-140 being withdrawn I am eligible for adjustment thru AC21.

    4. Liaison did agree that if the I-140 was revoked within the stipulated time given in AC21, Nebraska�s decision to deny the I-485 may have been in error. (which in my case is true)

    Immigration specialist at the Congresswoman's office is going to contact the Director of NSC to review this matter with a supervisor

    Unanswered questions:

    1. If the Liaison can see that my I-140 is approved on 09/04/2009, why is that the adjudicating officer is responding with a denial on 09/04/2009 and subsequent denial of I-485?
    2. Are they both not looking at my information with same interface?

    Atleast in my case it looks deliberate and intentional.

    I guess you are now happier than before. You are close to getting your issue resolved.

    No one knows why people who are eligible for AC21 portability are going through this.

    When I discussed this issue at my congresswoman's immigration specialist, he asked me why do you think USCIS is doing this? So - basically no one knows.

    Many people have said that this is a training issue. maybe it is. We don't know

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  • paz y amor. amor y paz.

  • Marphad
    07-06 03:28 PM
    ban this guy/girl.....

    This type of language is not acceptable at all. He is new Sanju (and he was..... no comments ;)).


    amor y paz. amor y paz.
  • amor y paz.

  • saimrathi
    08-10 03:25 PM
    Congrats!! Please contribute to IV!

    All 6 of our checks got cleared today below are the details

    I-485/131/765 recd date: 2nd july 07
    I-485/131/765 notice date: 06th Aug 07
    Service Center send : NSC
    I-140 approved : on 31-May-06, TSC
    Got Recipts : NO

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  • makeup el signo de amor y paz.

  • NolaIndian32
    03-12 01:42 PM
    I fully support a donor-based forum too. I support the concept as put forth by IV Core.

    Reddog, if information if free elsewhere, why are you still here at IV? If you are so unhappy with IV, why don't you find another forum where you CAN be happy?

    It is very easy to contradict or find errors.

    No body is getting paid here to have a tester test it.

    Yes I like the idea of donor for paid members. There are 31000 members not even 2500 members are contributing. This is one way of making them pay for the services or the info you get from the forum.


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  • arnab221
    06-21 01:54 PM
    I am just hoping we do not mis the July Bus :cool:

    Relax Buddy , now that the bus has come they will keep coming .Most of the people will go in this bus. The dates will retrogress for some time and will be current maybe next year . If not this bus then the next bus . No use raising your blood pressure for this . Attorneys and the media have a habit of scaring people unnecessarily . This Current date is not the end of the world , so take a chill pill ..

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  • ramus
    07-19 12:08 PM
    Lets keep this thread moving.


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  • imagenes de amor y paz. amor y

  • ras
    10-17 04:23 PM
    I have got a PM from another IV member whose 485 got denied yesterday because of 140 revocation. He switched the job after 180 days and sent AC21 docs as well. He is willing to share his ordeal with us.

    Are we sending personal exp of the ppl affected along with the letter ? I guess, it makes perfect sense to send some real 485 denial examples.

    I mentioned in this thread about the response that I got from ombudsman. So they would love to hear about the specific cases. In fact they would be more than willing to look into the specific cases. because that gives the strength to question USCIS.

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  • h1techSlave
    10-01 11:11 AM
    It is so confusing that I do not know how to explain the whole thing.

    Here is a small sample.

    In 2002 all the EB visas were issued(174,968). However, there were 31,532 unused family preference visas, so the limit for 2003 was 171,532 (140,000 + 31,532).

    Guess what, in 2003 they only approved 82,137 EB visas, so they ended up with 88,482 unused EB visas

    Great find, Andy. Based on your explanation, I can say that our real problem is not the lack of visa numbers. There are enough visa numbers, but USCIS is not utilizing them.

    This also tells me that an increase in visa numbers to 290,000 (or what ever number that the SKILL bill is asking for) would NOT change the situation a little bit. The end result only will be that the USCIS will end up with more number of unused visas.

    Can the IV community do some thing to improve the whole situation?

    I am seeing two specific bottlenecks.
    1. Delay in USCIS to process applications. This is an area, that we can do something. And I am already seeing a huge improvement from USCIS in terms of fast processing.
    2. Delay in FBI namecheck. Again this is an area we can do something. I don't know what, but there should be something that we can do. Many of my friends have been writing to Laura Bush explaining their FBI namecheck bottleneck and a few of them got positive results.


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  • Nadiya
    07-18 04:25 PM
    Just made my first $100 contribution! Thanks so much for the effort in the last two weeks! IV rocks!

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  • eb3_2004
    03-11 10:07 AM
    Hi Channj,
    I am facing issues with re-financing with EAD thru Suntrust...Is there a way I can quote u to make the underwriter understand my EAD status....

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  • santb1975
    05-27 03:50 PM
    Just login to paypal directly and send in your contribution to This info. is provided on the firts post of this thread as well. We had a member last week who setup recurring 20$ contributions through paypal

    If I may suggest it may help our funding drive if we allow smaller contributions. (20$ or 10$) both recurring and one time.

    I know at least a couple of people who would do a 20$ 2-3 times a year but won't do a $50. Anecdotal but may hold true for a lot more people.


    05-02 10:07 AM
    Why is there so much discussion surrounding this stimulus package, I thought all of were highly skilled, high educated clique who made the big $$.
    I have seen numerous occasions where people boast of large pay packets, bill rates, and now this is a measly $1,200, an amount that could be made with working 2 days is generating such a huge discussion. This does not add up???

    Not everybody on this forum earns 144,000 a year. What world are you living in my friend? Do you not get out that often?

    09-14 01:22 PM
    Please stop this EB3 vs EB2 nonsense :mad:. Let us work on something all of us can agree on a) VISA recapture b) STEM exemption c) Streamlining of USCIS processing etc. Let us not open the old wounds again. We are becoming a laughing stock with this constant bickering.

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