Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • h1b_forever
    09-01 04:31 PM
    It would be interesting to know how many have switched from EB3-eb2 who have more than 10 years exp

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  • imm_pro
    09-12 02:11 PM
    Thanks IV...way to go.

    Just made a modest contribution of $200.

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 11:28 AM PDT
    Google Order #313190031134013

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  • asharda
    07-06 11:00 AM
    My brothers in blood, please calm down… Mahatma Gandhi had his own way of fighting for freedom and so did Subhash Chandra Bose. They must have agreed and disagreed with each other on many things. But at the end of day, their motive was the same “Justice and Freedom”.

    We might have our differences, our opinions and ways of doing things, but we need to understand that our motive is the same. We should stop bickering with each other and concentrate on the main goal. We should keep encouraging our members to join hands and unite and fight for the cause.

    Though you might not agree with each other, you still need to see how severely the issue must have affected the other person which is why they are here and ready to fight.

    Please pull your (s)words to fight the injustice rather than fight with each other.


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  • No new news by Citroën which

  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-10 09:53 AM
    We now have 5 members in Southern California who have shown interest in participating State Chapter work. I think that is a great start. Thanks for your postings. Once the core team gives us a set of responsibilities we can start rolling.



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  • saimrathi
    07-06 11:18 AM
    People are burying these posts as spam.. can we do something to make sure that doesnt happen? ring_Immigration_Lawyer _Americans tin

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  • paisa
    08-02 05:24 PM
    This link which is giving prediction for Oct, 2007 looks totally off to me.

    if you see his EB3 predictions he is saying it will be close to to Jan 2007.

    Where in Jan 2007 EB3 China was Aug 2002 not April 2005.

    Don't know what is the reasoning behind these predictions.

    Dude, HE says dates of Jan 2007 not date being Jan 2007. So the PD will be Jan8, 2003


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  • rockstart
    03-09 11:41 AM
    Between July & August do you think it will cross 1.5 years taking all of 2006 & half of 2007 applications? Considering VdlRao's data which is 70K applications pending for 2006 I am not sure it will work thought I am still hopeful that 2005 will pass quickly since there are few PERM applications.

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  • meimmi
    03-10 10:14 PM
    This is a very interesting topic. Can someone please clarify what are the pros/cons of C-corp vs S-corp? Is both treated as LLC?


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  • himu73
    04-02 03:35 PM
    Surprising but true. This was last week aroung march 23,06
    Does anyone such cases.

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  • eastindia
    05-21 01:04 PM
    I am calling again today. Called 3 offices till now.


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  • pappu
    09-13 06:08 PM
    Is there any media organization left to be notified? :)

    contact all major TV channels and newspapers.... (phone /email)

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  • ArkBird
    09-15 05:18 PM
    show me one link where i can go back and change the language in the poll?

    All of you are making it very hard for me to keep the decorum of this forum.

    So much name calling.. nasty PMs.... All i can say is God Bless y'all

    There is ancient Hebrew saying, which roughly goes like this:

    “Before the word are spoken, man is master of his words but after they are spoken, he is their slave”

    Something like this applies to your posting.

    Again, nothing personal. My apologies if I have offended you.


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  • Alien
    03-13 12:57 AM
    How does that work? There is no law or process to connect an abandoned labor. I had approved labor with a PD of 1999 that got lost when I switched companies. But no one seems to be connecting that to me.

    I said I was *wondering*. Not quite a declarative sentence.

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  • gondalguru
    07-22 03:29 PM
    My case was filed on Feb 27th. Still pending. No response from Atlanta. I have 11 more days to go and after that it doesn't matter when I get my PERM as I would be locked out for potentially 5-6 years! This system is not fair at all...if I was working in one of the western states, I could have filed even today and get certified in 2-3 days....

    I feel really sorry for you and yes you are right. This system is not fair at all. It needs complete overhaul.


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  • xyzgc
    02-09 09:49 PM
    My stand is based on the premise that a man is financially responsible for his wife and his kids and not to wife's parents! The point I was making is about a completely non working spouse. It is not about a wife that leaves workforce for medical reason temporarily.
    Let us not confuse the responsibility towards a man's wife and kids with that of in-laws!
    Using the same token, a man shouldn't expect/demand any property/cash from in-laws!
    I'm perfectly OK with humanitarian and need based help. What crosses the line, according to me, is that 'taking for granted' attitude!

    If the brother in OP's story is taking care of his parents, then this situation wouldn't have occurred. Look at it other way. If the man's parents are in need of money, it is better to ask the man instead of their son-in-law!

    A man taking a stand and be done with it has a better chance of saving a marriage than a man caving to the demand and building resentment. Hey, if a man is willing to please his in-laws in all possible ways, then who are we to stop him! Let him enjoy!!

    I think, gcisadawg, the problem is the structure of the indian society. This is true with westerners too but as much true.

    An Indian/asian guy has to earn because he is perceived to be a bread winner. Unless he is properly settled he is not eligible for marriage.
    On the other hand, if a girl is not career-oriented she can still get good husbands depending on her personality and so on.
    And such girls invariably forfeit the right to send money to their parents. In such cases, one should not expect girl's parents to give her a share in their property. Its all clean.
    You have Indian house wives (many of them) but you have fewer house husbands. Even if your wife works, it is supplementary income and not the main.

    This is a complex equation and husbands and wives must understand the social structure we live in and adjust with each other.

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  • tcsonly
    07-21 04:49 PM
    Here is a list of 53 members so far registered in SoCal chapter:

    GC Process

    I doubt if Jimi_Hendrix is still active in SoCal chapter.



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  • conchshell
    06-10 10:57 AM
    So July visa bulletin is out ... we will see comments with frustation and appeals to fight for the cause ... however, this is a prediction thread, so my prediction is that by next week, all affected people will accept the reality and will move on with their life waiting for August visa bulletin or for the next year quota. My purpose is not to offend anyone, but this is just the observation we all had in the past, so why this time around its going to be any different?

    Now as far as those three bills are concerned ... at times I feel that they are just pacifiers to amuse the crying babies. We all can see that immigration related bill (fashion models, regional investors etc) are getting passed, but not the one's that we really want. Therefore hearings in the sub-committie and than in full hearings will go on till August, and afterwards presidential election will be the focus ... immigration reforms will take a back seat. New administration in 2009 will have more immediate priorities to fix the economy, war, etc. Immigration will eventually appear on the radar, but only after some time.

    So only movement I can see in near future is EB3 to EB2 conversion. That's OK too. because everyone has a right to straddle the lanes. Out of that stampede, some will get approved, some will get rejected, and will create more mess in the system. But that's inevitable ... and if a mass transition happens, USCIS will have no other option to bring in yet another rule to make their life easy, we all can guess ... what that may be ... I think this is one of the reasons why USCIS does not allow 140 premium processing anymore. Now those who are hopefull for EB2, my message is that USCIS can very easily justify visa wastage this year because of the extra load they got from Citizenship applications. Personally, I do not have much hope of USCIS working efficiently.

    I am not trying to spread pessimism, but just giving my predictions. We all need to think hard, as to how can we come out of this mess. Flower campaign worked once, but doesn't mean that its gonna be effective again and again.

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  • jonty_11
    07-05 05:11 PM
    Call your state senators, it is effective that way.
    already done that

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  • I_need_GC
    03-14 09:53 AM
    :confused:Dear All,

    I am still on H1 (not utilized EAD), the visa on my passport expired last year. Planning to visit India next week, should I be getting a visa stamped or use AP?



    Well my friend people here will tell you that once you use AP your h1B is not valid any more thats not true. I confirmed this with 2 Immigration officers and my attorney. AP and h1b have nothing to do with each other. One is an entry permit the other is to work with a specific company. no link so use you AP at re entry when IO ask why did you go to india don't say vacation. thats all.

    06-02 09:24 AM
    Hi my son is going to turn 21 on June 6th, we had applied for EB3 labor certificate on in July and the priority date is july 19, 2005. The I-140 was applied and approved in a month, therefore he will turn 21 next month on the 6th because the subtraction of one month from his age due to delay by USCIS in processing the I-140. My question is that is there any sort of help for EB retrogression for the children affected, and may get aged-out. As well as any other way that my son can apply for his I-485.

    08-12 12:48 PM
    here comes another one..... keep it coming....

    we are just too far off from the reality..... arent' we

    I am for any reasonable solution for the EB community my friend....

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