Saturday, June 25, 2011

pictures of kenyan animals

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  • jelo
    05-14 01:26 PM
    When your employer filed for revocation of I-140, on 02/03/2009 the officer might have performed an action of disapproval instead of revoke and also the date of action not updated (and you got the soft LUD not hard).
    This will let the current officer to see as disapproved on 09/04/2007 ?. Just a thought.

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  • Pictures of Kenya Animals

  • darslee
    07-05 11:53 PM
    Guys...digg this one religously..
    For the first time one article connects our needs to what Americans are interested in; Homeland security.

    Dugg and sent her an email thanking her and suggesting a follow up article on practical consequencies of their "mix-up". Used my case of Aging out son as an example.

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  • house of African animals that pictures of kenyan animals. hairstyles kenya

  • h1techSlave
    07-15 04:35 PM
    I have opted for Bill pay to avoid the hassle of sending a cheque.

    Bill pay confirmation number from BOA is 7YFKN-7G411 ($10)

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  • and things) African animal

  • Jaime
    09-12 04:37 PM


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  • pictures of kenyan animals.

  • EB3_SEP04
    05-18 03:16 PM
    I agree with you. One of my friends got RFE regarding Birth Ceritificates and medical certificates. I would not be surprised if they ask me the same.
    So, how did you submit the Birth certificate then? Can you please share the experience?

    My brother managed to get one for me. the issue was that my BC had wrong date and first name (my uncle had reported my birth with that name which was never used again). My brother talked to the officials, gave affidavits, chai-paani etc and they agreed to correct date and put both first names with a slash(/) in between. phew ...what an experience dealing with the Indian beauraucrats.

    pictures of kenyan animals. The Kenya
  • The Kenya

  • Caliber
    03-04 12:25 PM
    do have your 140 approved?

    My case is also with TSC with 140 approved and there is absolutely no change in the message. There is not even a soft LUD in any of our cases.


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  • Kenya Animals Lions

  • Edison99
    09-01 08:54 PM
    Since Jan 2000

    Let us see who is waiting for most time in USA.

    5 years and counting.

    If you can tell your history of Green card and any tip on applying early would appreciate.

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  • Kenyan Artists Turn Dangerous,

  • wellwisher02
    04-01 08:46 AM
    Wow, so you're telling me be happy as somebody else is in pain now ???
    Their problems doesn't make me smile here. I want solutions to my problems.

    If you need solutions to your problems, you need to act professionallly as all other IV members do. Please stop throwing tantrums and also mind your P's and Q's when you utter expletives against USCIS. Will you be brave enough (if not foolhardy enough) to reproduce whatever you said here in a letter and send it out to the USCIS? Trust me, you'll not since you'd act politely and professionally to make out your case. We expect you to act with decorum when you discuss pertinent issues in IV forum.


    pictures of kenyan animals. Kenya Animals: The Big Five
  • Kenya Animals: The Big Five

  • Leo07
    12-10 06:46 PM

    hair and things) African animal pictures of kenyan animals. » The Elephants In Kenya
  • » The Elephants In Kenya

  • arihant
    05-25 07:38 PM
    pretty soon they will start requiring photos from worksite to prove that employee exists and that the company exists and is present in the US. LOL :D (I think this was a requirement for H1B...may still be a requirement):rolleyes:


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  • of African animals that

  • saint_2010
    09-12 06:58 AM

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  • 80000 acres of Kenya bush

  • chisinau
    07-22 02:09 PM
    Agree with you, tinamatthew, regarding H1C visa, but my emploier does not want to waist his time for this, the chanses are too slim to get one of 500 H1C..., so I decided not to mention about it.
    Maybe.... , the july victory might help, I just hope they will approve my DS230 this time, because previous DS230 was out of date, and they asked to submit it again.
    But it is only one case, other nurses are still in the long process with CGFNS, and VisaScreen, then I140, with the huge backlog in the Visa Center , and so on...I am not against all these procedures, I believe it is a necessity, but the long immigration process for nurses is neither fair nor correct from healthcare and economic point of view.
    So I believe for the majority of foreign nurses the July VB is not helpful in anyway.
    Schedule A is our only option!


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  • images Animal Migration pictures of kenyan animals. and things) African

  • gonecrazyonh4
    04-25 12:46 PM
    Tax returns can be filed by illegal immigrants too with an ITIN number.

    Any rule that doesnot discriminate betweten legal and illegal immigrants would just increase our woes.

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  • Parks - Kenyan Staples

  • HawaldarNaik
    02-23 01:23 PM

    i just returned from an infopass meeting... the guy i talked to said that they recently have a directive from the DHS/USCIS that they want to separate the legal stuff from the illegal stuff and hence they are planning to adjudicate a record number of EB apps in the next quarter or two... does anyone else concur? is this true or were my ears just ringing in that meeting?




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  • The Kenyan government has long

  • apahilaj
    05-01 10:28 AM
    Any takers?

    So, where is the bill going next? Sorry guys, haven't heard the recording but just going by the thread it seems like this hearing didn't go as expected...

    Is the bill going to die prematurely or is it going any where?

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  • taken at the Mt. Kenya

  • vparam
    09-17 08:59 PM
    we are planning to start an LLC as a group of three of them being in india.i was wondering about the tax issues for a member of an LLC if he is based in India.Can he get an tax identification number.thank you.
    Yes you can have international partners in LLC but they also need to pay tax, Unless it is a single member LLC , when you get taxed as individual otherwise you get taxed as a corporations. I think it is better to ask an accountant on how to include the international partner


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  • capital city of kenya. its

  • gcwonder
    10-24 12:12 PM
    mailed the letters

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  • pictures of kenya animals.

  • 9years
    12-10 08:15 AM
    We have received cards yesterday. It took one week from approval of I-485 to Physical cards. We are happy at the end everything went well. I wish all of our friends best of luck for all their immigration wishes.

    <I>Note: I noticed that physical cards envelope does not have any USCIS stamp or from address. After seeing that I thought it is some credit card company mail and kept away(didn't through out). Later when we opened, there are cards in it. This is just to let other know(F.Y.I) envelope does not remind any USCIS.</I>

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  • photos,african animal Wide

  • RNGC
    06-24 09:44 AM
    these were the kind of points I was looking for.....I will do this as my summer essay :) and share with IV when it is done.

    America is definitely losing out because of prolonged Green card processing. I know of many well educated PostGraduates, Physicians who were not able to pursue their careers in Research, fellowships because they have to be stuck in one fixed position without any progress to obtain the green card. they are being denied of the opportunity to find new cures, innovations that could potentially help the humanity. true US is getting the taxes from the main H1 applicant, but what about the well educated spouses and dependants. don't they have a role in contributing to the development of the country, they are made to pay higher tuition fees and they cannot work on dependent status. Only the lucky few who were able to fille for I-485 in 2007 got their EADs, but what about the long waiting for 485 filing and EAD since 2000 and before? Even today you if you are EB3 or EB2, you cannot apply for 485 and so your family cannot get EAD and so cannot work.

    Many software professional and other highly educated workers can contribute much more to the Economy like how they did in 1990s by becoming enterpreneurs, but they will not be able to do anything while on "temporary visas" as they are much more concerned about maintaining their status, extending their status every few years. many people are even hesitant to buy a house, agree a few of us have bought houses and other properties, but vast majority of us are still very hesitant to do it as we can never feel fully secure of our job. If you have the Greencard you will atleast be confident that you can find a job in the area where you buy the house.

    If you look at the procedures for Drivers licenses, even though the legal workers go through rigorous security checks while obtaining visas and changing/extending status with USCIS and almost all of them are verywell educated and very responsible, you have to go through a big hassle to obtain the Drivers licences and some people are being made to wait for months even after providing all the required documentation. In some states, dependents are not given Drivers Licenses and in other states, you legal workers/students get a "special drivers license" with which there is much scope for being discriminated just on the basis of this license, and if you move to a different state, this special license is not recognized and you have to apply for a fresh license, take written test, driving test and go through all the hassles again even though you have been driving in US legally for more than 10 years.

    these hard working young professionals are losing the most important phase of their lives waiting for the elusive greencard and by the time the get it they are much older and don't have the same zeal for new ideas like how they did before and end up taking care of other responsibilities including family. I can go on and on like this. after we have been through all these testing circumstances, please do not say that America has not lost anything, but the biggest losers of all are the legal immigrants.

    this is a process where there are no winners, but only losers. this lengthy backlogged process is resulting in a great loss to the advancement of US and would be legal immigrants

    08-12 04:24 AM
    Agree with you 100% - But Once you start a thread with assertive words peoples start relying on you.... I also posted lots of conversations between myself and USCIS but i was never assertive.

    Anyway - this argument will go on forever.

    Can we request SriKondoJi/likes not to post anything with strong Affirmative words unless they have some kind of confirmations beyond the general Public's assumption ??


    Now, the fool is trying to change the subject by asking ppl to join the rally. Why in the world wud ppl trust him? The thread is barely 10 pages and after realizing that therez no point in discussing about what this thread is all about, he has shifted subject loyalites. How lame and insane is this guy? Pappu, LogicLife where r u guyz? Why dont u ban him?

    07-15 05:33 PM
    �For all things difficult to acquire, the intelligent person works with perseverance.�
    Lao Tzu


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