Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • here4gc
    09-16 12:52 PM
    Guys..I just recieved my I-140 approval..last week..shocked, surprised..but trust me..this works..hope some people remember about a similar campaign I had initiated a while back..I sent letters to Zoe Lofgren, Ombudsman, USCIS director and Ted Kennedy..apart from contacting my local congressman...

    Goodluck guys!!! I sincerely wish everybody speedy approvals!!!!!!

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  • sprash
    02-25 05:00 PM
    I think dates won't (and should not ) move much. So at the end of year we can see big jump and then may be people like me can file I-1485.


    Yes and then they should process in LIFO order so people like you can get their GCs :p :rolleyes:

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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-05 11:36 AM
    Hi All,

    I am an IV member living in Southern California. I wanted to give a loud 'hello' out to all members in this region. It will be great to know some of the members so that we can interact. Can you please post back a response with what counties you live in? This way we can get some idea about where members are residing.

    Looking forward to your responses.



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  • ramus
    07-06 12:58 PM
    I think I am missing something.. Can anybody explain what they did today.. I am still trying to find out difference .

    What the USCIS has done today is what they call "Locking the stables AFTER the horse has bolted" ;)

    What a bunch of idiots, i swear this is WORSE than ANY of our home countries. Like I told my friend yesterday, atleast if the USCIS call center was based in India, the answers would have been consistent. They may have all been Wrong, but atleast they would be consistent.


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  • sagis99
    08-08 11:06 AM
    Lets all try to send this letter. I'm working with my HR to get this 7001 out - As Pappu said there should not be any reason why HR wont sign that form.

    What's going on at NSC or TSC is Shame.... Peoples who applied in AUG-SEP 07 has got 140 approved at NSC where as folks back in APR-JUNE 07 is stuck and more over NSC claims that they are processing MAR 22 07 for last 5 months.

    This deserves attention - I'm trying to ratchet up some pressure via Congressman and Senator's office but they are very busy these days with Presidential election , so i'm not getting the kind of help that they generally do.

    It's always nice to get some kind response like this. thanks.

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  • yabadaba
    07-11 08:06 AM
    I assume you like the new cutoff-dates ????

    Rita ;)
    love it....but thats only 1/2 of the battle...the other half is making sure uscis adjudicates my petition in the month of aug


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  • kvsagar123
    07-19 12:47 PM
    I am silent reader on this site from last one month. It is great to know lot of people are working hard behing the scenes and really appreciate what IV has done regarding bulletin fiasco.

    I will make couple of friends to join IV and contribute.

    July 19th : signed up for 50$ recurring contribution

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  • Green.Tech
    06-03 05:09 PM


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  • govindk
    07-14 02:32 PM
    Genius...Great work!

    Sent....payment Transaction Number is 411666815

    Contributed so far $200 + $5(today)

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  • jayZinDC
    06-11 06:53 PM
    a small contribution for now I will set up recurring soon. Can't thank you guys enough for being such a great support network. Not to be preachy, are we the same people who stood an united front against the Brits?

    Paypal Receipt ID: 3JA591826E386220Y


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  • CaliHoneB
    09-08 10:29 AM
    Came here in july 1997
    filed LC in 2003 thinking it would be useful to stay on H1 as long as possible!! and the rest is on my profile..

    I wonder if anybody thinks it makes sense to create a law which simply says after 15 (or some X years) of legal presence in the US you will be given a GC no matter the back ground! In that way we know exactly where the deadline is irrespective of some government agency's whim.

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  • man-woman-and-gc
    06-11 11:44 AM
    Guys, I have thrown out my ideas and you can take what suits you from it. As someone mentioned nothing is illegal in it. If you find something, please explain what and why.

    My conservative estimate was 100K people pulling 50K$ out..that would be 5 billions...if more comes out even better

    Fight for legislation?? Does anyone has any hopes on it still? You would get piecemeal concessions here and there..but the Indian EB immigration community as a whole gets nothing good out of it...2 year EAD, 5 yr EAD..just to wipe the tears...come on guys think out of the box.

    You argue it is not discrimination but it is law. I say the law is discriminatory and nobody wants to change it (remember the horses discussion instead of EB immigration discussion in senate), do you need any better example than this?

    Anyways, I leave it to your own judgement..and I am going ahead with my plans...I am not planning to leave the country anytime soon so I am not yet into the drastic measures I mentioned, but I sure have started the funds transfer to Indian banks, pulling out of mortgage application and moving out of US equities markets. Also, I am reducing the amount of money I pump into US economy which is currently 5K per month to ~3-3.5K per month. If it makes any difference I am making ~400K a yr from my job and other investments...

    I appreciate ur enthusiasm my friend...but just think about what you are pushing for....The immigrant community cannot send 5000 letters collectively, cannot get more than 100 people to donate every month...and u are hoping 100k people will walk the path u suggested in an IV post?? Lets not get too optimistic here...the reality is we are in a country that was started by immigrants, but is now self sufficient and now does not care about Immigration.....we can only wait and watch, may be try to rally behind some initiatives like CIR etc and make victory laps on reversal of a visa bulletin or 2 year EADs....But to get this immigration process fixed is a distant dream and will not happen unless Citizens feel the need of it or America goes back to the same stage where it cannot support itself without immigrants......we can hang on the to the last straw of hope, but the world goes by facts and not perception.

    My post might seem pessimistic..but I will call it realistic....those who want to go back home, please go..but leave ur details with IV so they can use it as an example in their fight....Those who stay....there is nothiong to lose in this please help IV or the immigration community in whatever way u can.

    Whatever u do..find a way to live your life..with or without GC.


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  • royu
    08-23 05:57 PM
    Well explained.

    Most of EB2 falls into : 1.Advanced Degree-(where most of us fall into ) it is either masters or Bachelors+5 years

    Till now there is no proposal to change the above.

    The internal memo is for Extraordinary Ability quota, and it is in comment period. It is not implemented yet.

    The similar kind of restriction should be applied for EB1 - multinational executive quota.

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  • h1techSlave
    03-13 10:00 AM
    Is the min contribution required, $25 per month or $25 for 12 months?


    I have a suggestion! I don't think forcing monthly $25 contribution to keep donor status alive is a very good idea, especially in current economy. Take an example of myself. It is decided that I am going to loose job on 17th March, may not be able to contribute every month.



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  • satishku_2000
    07-05 11:45 PM
    Worked over the weekend so that they can relax for 5 more years ...and collect those inflated fees ..disgusting ....

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  • kaisersose
    06-24 12:30 PM
    Hasn't this been discussed already?

    It does not make a difference to America, if a few hundred thousand foreign workers get their GCs today or 10 years later. The people America would really be concerned about are outstanding researchers, but then these people fall in the EB1 category which is always current and so they have no cause for complaint. The other category that the US is concerned about is cheap and illegal labor, but that is not related to GCs. So in short, there is nothing about the Eb2/Eb3 GC backlog that America needs to worry about.

    The delay causes anxiety & frustration only for us applicants. So the impact is only on us.


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  • ameryki
    01-14 04:50 PM
    I have a similar question -- the USCIS site says document mailed on Dec 26th, but I am yet to receive it. I have not heard from the Lawyers either. USCIS mailed the receipt to the lawyers but EAD to our home, what's the deal with AP - home or lawyers?

    AP goes to your lawyer!

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  • funny
    07-14 03:19 PM
    To: IV
    Amount: $ 10.00
    Payment Date: July 15, 2008

    Reference Number: 10011

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  • santb1975
    05-24 07:19 AM
    Please contribute

    07-14 03:42 PM

    Done contributing or updating your signature :)?

    01-10 10:55 AM
    I have been reading all the posts, in my opinion we all came here broadly because of 2 reasons.

    a) Want to earn more money
    We have considered our parents are of Middle Class family and We wanted to be the UPPER Class parents to our childern.

    b) Want to achieve Career Goals.
    We have always considered US is the place where you would find the latest of everything ex. Car, Electronics, Life Style etc.. We wanted to enjoy.

    When time passed these things have got changed in our home country, But at the same time we could not make a decision because of other factors which would influence our Decision.

    In my opinion IF YOU have become a US citizen MENTALLY then you don't think of going back, You have to ask this question to your self. AM i a US Citizen Mentally or Indian Citizen?. If the answer is Yes to US Citizen then having Green card or not having does not matter, you would stick to US and won't think of going back.

    The problem lies with people like me Who could not find a answer to the Question So simply because of following reasons.

    a) Professional Life
    I like to work in US because, i can spend more time with family, i don't have to drive a lot to go to work, i can leave at 6 every day.

    b) Personal Life
    I am afraid because i dont like the family or personal life style here is US. I COULD NOT accustom myself to this life style and i am afraid What if my Kids started behaving like American youngster at his/her 20s and 30s, i am afraid about my 60s.

    c) How much($$$$) do i need to Settle in India.
    when i came to US at first i thought i would go back to india if i have 1 crore, but when time goes by, i came to know that now a days in india people who have 1 Crore are considered as Middle Class, The ultimate reason for me to come here to us is to become UPPER CLASS but the TARGET keeps slipping. Somehow i could not conclude how much i need to go back to INDIA.

    So i am also confused like you guys.

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