Friday, June 24, 2011

herniated lumbar disc

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  • rtarar
    09-08 08:14 AM
    6 years 2 months and counting.

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  • JunRN
    09-29 02:20 AM
    2015....that was like you're the most unlucky person in the world if you get your GC in 2015....that was like 8 years from now....

    herniated lumbar disc. LUMBAR VERTEBRAE W/HERNIATED

  • doknek
    06-10 05:05 PM
    multiple year eads & ap - may or may not happen
    visa recapture - no chance
    visa increase - will not happen

    still contribute??

    First one did happen today. So, how much are you going to contribute then?:D

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  • disc herniation at L4-L5.

  • ksurjan
    07-06 05:36 PM
    I dont see anything about the law suit on OH site.
    Can someone explain what "Temporary Restrain Order" would do if it were successful. It sounds to me that the lawsuit is asking the court to temporarily invalidate the July visa bulletin so that USCIS will be forced to accept the applications. Is this a reasonable understanding? Any lawyers here?


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  • Lumbar Disc Herniation, MRI

  • snathan
    08-23 10:47 PM
    I have nothing to recommend to them as things are fine as they are. And there will be no recommendation coming from me to close any door at all, whether it be for EB2 or anyone else.
    You can go ahead and recommend against EB3 BSc BCom losers, as it is your business

    To shut down a program because of a few mis-users : I am sure you WONT agree to extend this logic to your precious EB2 application when someone points out how someone else misused it

    Then why you are fighting for the spill over rules as they stand. Because its going to help you :confused:

    Read all the pages and let us know where you find the information “close the door”. All we are saying is to close the loophole. There are genuine people getting the Eb1C and no one is complaining about it. We are all bothered only when your so called multinational exploiting it.

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  • A lumbar disk herniation MAY

  • immuser
    07-20 04:51 PM

    there were 144,000 PERM's done between oct 2006- march 2007

    india, china have retro for both EB2 and EB3
    mexico, philippines and bunch of other countries have retro for EB3

    PERM is only for the Primary applicant. For I-485 every dependent of Primary applicant needs one separate application

    Considering all these 750,000 I-485 filings in next 1 month sounds a reasonable estimate.

    Many who had labor pending under the old system, applied in PERM also. So it is 144k minus duplicates. But, I have no idea know many are duplicates


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  • Slipped Disc Illustration

  • sirinme
    09-10 05:33 PM
    Just contributed $100 via Google Checkout. Can't make it in person to the rally, but thanks & best wishes to everyone involved.

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  • eb3_nepa
    03-12 10:38 AM
    Hi Guys,

    I noticed recently a lot of people have the status of "Donor" instead of "Senior Member", "Member", Junior Member etc.

    How does one become a "Donor". I have donated to IV SEVERAL times in the past.

    IV has started a donor Forum for contributing members.

    Our monthly subscription based model will help members get access to this area for that time period. In the coming days we will be consolidating all previous subscribers who are continuing their subscription at present to be added as well. If you are an old continuing subscriber, and do not have access, do send an email to info at with your name, email, amount subscribed every month and your IV ID. We will verify it and add you. If you have given a one time payment this month more than $25, we will be dividing it by $25 and the system will calculate the number of months you are subscribed. If you have the old $20/month subscription, please continue that. We will add you in the Monthly subscribers as well.

    If you wish to subscribe, please click on the donate now link, adjacent to the green progress bar above and subscribe.

    From now we will post IV updates on the donor forum so that members who contribute get the privilege of getting the information. If the information can be released for public, we will release it on the main forums after a delay. Donor forum will have the first access to the information. All donors will be identified by a 'donor' status in their profiles instead of junior/senior members.

    If members want to start a thread in the donor forum, please add 'Donor Forum' before the the thread title so that everyone knows it is in the restricted area.

    Admins will visit this area more often and answer questions from members. This will also enable more close coordination and communication between committed members. It is sometimes difficult for us to to read every post on the forum or post certain information for public consumption.

    Thank you for your continued support


    herniated lumbar disc. HERNIATED LUMBAR DISC

  • superdude
    07-21 02:28 AM
    Voting seems to be on political lines. Democrats probably didn't want to yield any ground because of their dear CIR failure. We need a targeted campaign (strategy) on the Democrats - Hillary spoke very favourably to the Indian student community recently about H-1B and immigrant visas but her vote is not in line with her statements
    It is somple politics. Democrats do not want to give credit to President Bush.Presidents approval rating is the worst in the last 30 years.Any bill that Bush supports will be failed in the Senate and the House as well.

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  • yoda
    09-13 04:24 PM
    Sent to Mass High Tech and Fareed Zakaria @ Newsweek.


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  • sweet23guyin
    07-18 03:23 PM
    Thanks for all your efforts.

    Made a contribution of $100
    Confirmation Number: 1LX38419RG209364L.

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  • alterego
    02-20 04:15 AM
    I am not entirely sure about the 1% number. I feel it may be somewhat higher than that.
    If indeed the ratio is 1%, then things are very dire, since with the economy as it is, we probably will not see any expansion in EB immigration in the near term.
    Additionally the L1-EB1 route as multinational manager is very much alive and well, and is arguably the preferred and probably only viable route for any Indian prospectively attempting to immigrate to the USA. The numbers of such applicants might be larger than we know. If anyone has any data on that and specifically about the change in those numbers ever since retrogression hit, please post it.
    In all honesty, I know the guys applying anew need a little hope and encouragement, but with perhaps 300K people and rising ahead of you in the EB India queue and slim to none chance of EB expansion in the near term, what are the odds of getting through that line in the next decade?


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  • sayantan76
    01-07 09:07 AM
    Please read my statements properly. I have taught about 100 (the number of students in my last 5 classes were about 70, 30, 25, 25, 12). My colleagues have been observing the same issues for last 5-7 years when the number of students from India started to surge. The number 1000 is the estimate for over the 5 year period. Both numbers are conservative estimates.
    and why, pray, does your esteemed school keep accepting students from these so called "sub-standard" colleges in india? i would say 5-7 years of observed emperical evidence calls for some substantial action on your and your school's part in black-listing these, either:

    1. you are blowing smoke through eveyone's a** here or
    2. the school is greedy for tuition fees - proving an earlier contention made in this thread about it being all about money....

    P.S - i am not from one of these schools so no personal stake!

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  • andy007
    07-18 12:00 AM
    Receipt date is not the date when the application reaches the service center. It is infact the date when your application is entered into their internal system which could be several days after the application has reached the service center.

    And all application they enter into the system.. then give us a Receipt Date Right ... from that time we can apply for EAD / AP (will take time again)


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  • What is a Herniated Disc?

  • learning01
    04-25 05:18 PM
    Tell me, in any of the bills that came in 2005, PACE, CIR. Dream Act etc., or later, IS there even one mention or a discussion of changing the PD? Let's discuss more on how to bring out more into the open, the issues the H1 visa holders are facing from their small time employers in applying for permanent residence, backlog issues and how redtape is destroying these young men's goals, about lack of visa numbers.

    Why there is even a provision in the last Senate bill, for illegals to SELF petition for GC, if employer doen't apply in 2 years. Let's discuss about a similar provision for H1 visa holders who are legally working here, paying taxes. Let's discuss even more important issue.
    Why should we pay, SS Tax and Medicare if we are temporary workers. Let them START collecting once I-485 is applied.
    This last point will resonate well with all It will be picked up easily; you will see the panic flying in the press, TVs, Senate and what not, when a simple mention of it is made.
    These are the practical things we need to discuss. Not a theoritical PD definition, on which we have no locus standi.

    I agree with this little bit but to implement will be tough. There are people coming into US on h1 and leaving every year from big indian consulting companies. It should be like below.

    1. Priority date should be date when the person enters the country.
    2. The person should have paid taxes consecutively for n years(n=3.4.5...)
    3. This should be applicable only for H1 and not for any other visa categories.

    If the above is not possible, then

    1. Labor substiution should be allowed only for the person who is in US continiously for n years(n=3.4.5...) and paid taxes. With this approach, a new comer cannot get the exisitng labor. Win Win to all.

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  • willigetgc?
    04-30 01:52 PM

    Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts)
    (202) 224-4543

    Senator Judd Gregg (R-New Hampshire)
    (202) 224-3324

    Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
    (202) 224-4814

    Senator Michael Enzi (R-Wyoming)
    (202) 224-3424

    Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)
    (202) 224-5972

    Senator John Ensign (R-Nevada)
    (202) 224-6244

    Senator Orin Hatch (R-Utah)
    (202) 224-5251

    Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas)
    (202) 224-2934

    Senator John Kyl (R-Arizona)
    (202) 224-4521

    Senator Mitch Mcconnell (R-Kentuky)
    (202) 224-2541

    Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minnesota)
    (202) 224-3244

    Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri)
    (202) 224-6154

    Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana)
    (202) 224-2644

    Senator Jim Webb (D-Virginia)
    (202) 224-4024

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island)
    (202) 224-2921


    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada)
    (202) 224-3542

    Senator Dick Durbin (Illinois)
    (202) 224-2152

    Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
    (202) 224-6542

    Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
    (202) 224-4242

    Senator Dianne Feinstein (California)
    (202) 224-3841

    Senator Bob Menendez (New Jersey)
    (202) 224-4744

    Sen. Ben Cardin (Maryland)
    (202) 224-4524

    All the numbers listed by Pappu are correct, and no changes need to be made.

    I called both sets of Senators, and gave our stand on this immigration reform issue to each Sen. office, and here is the feedback from them:

    Sen Brown: Will review the bill and will let his position known in a weeks time.
    Sen Gregg: He has no position currently
    Sen Lugar: Since the bill has no language yet, he would like to wait before he gives an opinion. He has previously supported immigration reform. He is continuing to meet with Sen. Schumer
    Sen. Enzi: Does not support amnesty and he will let us know what his position on high skilled immigrant provisions in a week
    Sen. Graham: Left message
    Sen. Ensign: Has no comments, asked for NV address
    Sen. Hatch: Staff read the press release regarding yesterday's framework, which states that this is partisan politics, and border enforcement has to be done first. Told him our position and asked for support
    Sen. Cornyn: Could not leave message as there was high volume. will call back again. However, the message said that local offices need to be contacted.
    Sen. Kyl: Has also released a press statement, did not read it, asked me to check it on the senators webpage. Took my opinion though.
    Sen. McConnell: He just wanted our comments and the sen himself did not have any comment regarding immigration.
    Sen. Klobucher: Has not fully reviewed what was in the frame work, took our opinion on the matter, and the staff asked for the zipcode irrespective of where you were from.
    Sen. McCaskill: Their office has no opinion on the bill. She is in general support of legal immigrants. However, she wanted to see how things progress in the senate.
    Sen. Tester: He opposes amnesty. took our opinion but did not want to take a stand on high skilled immigrants issue
    Sen. Webb: left a message
    Sen. Whitehouse: has not reviewed the framework. took my opinion.

    Called Sens. Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Leahy, Feinstein, Menendez and Cardin's offices and thanked them for their support and leadership.


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  • sampath
    04-25 01:38 PM
    The priority date based on the person first entering the US on H1B visa, or converting to a H1 status from any other visa status in the US is an excellent one.

    This eliminates all the issues that H1Bs face today when applying for a GC. Employer portability, Visa retrogression etc ( and not to mention employer manipulation of H1Bs workers in delaying to file GCs ) are applied in fairness to everyone. This takes the fear out of H1B workers to change jobs at will without regard to negative impact on their pending GC applications..

    Way to go.. Why can't IV propose to add this one liner to any of the impending amendments or find another lawmaker to support this which can alleviate most issues faced by H1Bs today.

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  • addsf345
    12-02 07:54 PM
    There is a different thread also going on, but sharing it here for anyone who have not noticed it yet. RG updated his website with below information.

    Good news concerning AOS denials based on I-140 revocations

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  • What is a Herniated Disc?

  • Milind123
    09-16 02:12 AM
    Important people (lawmakers and others who can make things happen) know there is a problem with GC. They don't know how big. We show up in small numbers; well, they are going to interpret it like that; a small problem; as simple as that. To solve small problems takes big (long) time.

    The funny thing is, if this happens; people who knew that the size of the rally mattered, and who could have very easily showed up, but will not come, assured in their mind, other people will show up, also end up being losers.

    You want to know who these people are; people who will go to the office that day, people who do not have a single (even unimportant meeting), people whose boss don�t care if they are in the office or not, those who have no deadlines, those who have plenty of PV days left, those within 100 miles of DC, those who can pick up the phone on 18th and tell their boss about taking a day off (and the boss replying �OK That�s fine�), the people who will waste their entire freaking day going to sites like CCN, ABC News, and god know what other sites, trying to find the latest news about the rally, and once in a while folding their tiny hands and looking up at the roof of their cubicle and murmuring �Please God, make this rally a grand success�.

    No amount of coaxing, urging, reasoning, and other forms of persuasion will ever let us drag you out of your cubicle.

    Confused if you belong to this group. Think hard for about 10 minutes before you start insulting me. Maybe one of the above points doesn�t apply to you. In my dictionary, not attending the rally, certainly doesn�t put you in this very special group of people. All the points stated above need to be applied (including the prayer point) to you, to qualify.

    Please also visit

    04-30 02:45 PM
    King says

    tens of thousands applicants who will eventually get their GC applications get denied are getting free ride on EAD/AP.

    rebukes USCIS and DOS for July 07 Visa Gate

    Now talking about illegals. Finally shuts up and gives back to Lofgren

    Lofgren introducing USCIS and DOS officials.

    09-11 09:06 PM
    I have also posted about this drive on

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