Friday, June 24, 2011

skips regular show

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  • skips regular show. skips regular show. at regular show times,; at regular

  • polapragada
    09-13 09:42 PM
    I want everybody to get their GCs. but now interfiling/porting is hurting out position in the queue.

    If you are not aware, a good bunch of EB3s are now trying to interfile & port their PDs which are between 2001 - 2005 to EB2.

    This will potentially put tens of thousands of people in the EB2 queue before most people in EB2 who are waiting.

    These people were not eligible for EB2 when they filed their own labor.. so they should NOT BE ALLOWED TO PORT THEIR OLD PDs. Sure EB3 can Interfile .. but you will get a new PD ... the date you interfile.

    If we just keep looking... there will be a huge retrogression in EB2. And its not like these EB3 people will get through with the interfiling/porting. Most of them will be issued RFEs. Their labor apps will be audited and their primary EB3 apps will be cancelled. Infact, 85% of interfiling will never successfully make it through. And its not like it will help the EB3 brothers. That queue will still be long... because they are not going to withdraw their EB3 apps.
    Also, while they will not succeed in interfiling/porting, they still will have their apps with USCIS and USCIS will sit on them before eventually issuing NOID. Sad part is they will count these when giving numbers to DOS for setting visa bulletins.

    This PD porting is the last "not so ethical & legal" thing after labor substitution.. that we need to Put a cork on.

    If we don't act now... then we can all expect to stay in AOS for the next 5 years. This holds for both EB2 and EB3.

    I want everybody to get their GCs. I also am OK with the wait.
    But anything that threatens my position in the queue is not acceptable.

    I completly agree with you.... and others supported the similar thoughts in the thread gave the gree from you all

    If they want to jump to EB2 they should not not be allowed to port the PD.

    wallpaper skips regular show. skips regular show. at regular show times,; at regular skips regular show. sequel named Regular Show
  • sequel named Regular Show

  • EndlessWait
    07-06 01:53 PM
    I think you sent your application after july 2...:D

    haha very funny..:cool:

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  • Allison Carroll vs Skips (Regular Show) - PicArena Image Match

  • coopheal
    06-02 01:59 PM
    Contributed $100 for June
    Receipt ID: 47W850****

    2011 sequel named Regular Show skips regular show. skips regular show. doing
  • skips regular show. doing

  • Keeme
    03-06 05:57 PM
    To keep the HOPE high;) One more point to consider , remember a month back there was a information going around on the # of Cards ordered by USCIS? Man, all these crazy things going around with
    a) LUDs
    b) Name Check 180 days rule
    c) # of Cards ordered etc etc., etc., is making ppl. more anxious.....

    Agree. I still blame name check 180 rule - a major decision by USCIS/FBI helped this backlogg to go from bad to worst.

    Name check 180 rule -it allowed thousands of people from EB1 / EB2 Row to get their 485 cleared and consumed major chunk of 2008/09 EB visas. Had it been not there, many old timers, would have used visas as their Name check would have been cleared before them.


    skips regular show. Regular Show!
  • Regular Show!

  • chiku_singhal
    09-11 09:37 PM
    enrolled in recurring 50$ as first contribution..

    great job guys...thanks for your sincere efforts

    i dont browse may not be looking until rally day.
    i might not come as its too short notice for me to plan .

    skips regular show. skips regular show. skips regular show. skips regular show. notjustjay
  • skips regular show. skips regular show. skips regular show. notjustjay

  • Libra
    07-06 03:25 PM
    aarbi, did you do your medicals, did you loose your work day, did you paid your attorney, did your wife(if any) came back from middle of the vacation, did you had health problem when you done your medicals....did your app got stuck at USCIS for years......
    sleepless nights for those people who's answer is YES for most of the above questions

    why would you have sleepless nights till Oct? Did you have sleepless nights before June 13th? Your sleepiness should be the same as it was before June 13th!


    skips regular show. skips regular show. skips
  • skips regular show. skips

  • singhsa3
    09-12 01:50 PM
    These are all good thoughts but what u are suggesting takes some time.
    The issue has two legs:
    Leg 1: Process fix
    Leg 2: Increasing number of greencards

    What I am talking about is leg 1 and what you are talking about is for leg 2
    and both are required.

    Sanjeev - I personally feel there is no easy solution for this. Our efforts must be well organized and there has to be geniune effort. A lot of people who post here are all frustrated and angered and they channelize their anger and frustration through these forums whereas instead if it is channelized in a positive way - our campaigns will be more effective and we can reach our goals.

    2010 Allison Carroll vs Skips (Regular Show) - PicArena Image Match skips regular show. skips regular show. skips
  • skips regular show. skips

  • gctoget
    07-28 10:58 PM
    Hello everybody,

    Just came back from the SoCal IV meeting today which was held at Woodlands,Artesia between 3:00 to 4:30 P.M today. It was nice meeting all the 14 members from IV. I am pretty sure Drona will post the minutes of meeting pretty soon!



    skips regular show. skips regular show. doing
  • skips regular show. doing

  • pmpforgc
    03-06 08:29 PM
    I feel like giving up today after I saw a friend of mine leaving to india with a US Citizenship and an overseas citizen of india card.

    The irony is he applied two months after me in the same category except his application was from a different state.

    Now it makes me think, if I have to go through this process and after 5 years if I end up like my friend, then I might as well do it now...:confused:

    Just wanted to caution you that, your friend if he dont like his decesion, he can reverse it any time as he has luxuary of citizenship. If you try to foillow in his foot step, you may not have that luxury and also might have to restrart from scratch if you want to reverse your decesion of going back home.

    hair skips regular show. doing skips regular show. #regular show#benson#skips
  • #regular show#benson#skips

  • sam2006
    09-13 10:34 AM
    Milind123 YOU ARE THE MAN !!!
    i guess you have crossed 400:p
    I will make 100$ as promised later in the day

    Comon Guys please wake up and contribute
    Its now or NEVER!!!

    please Help IV and Help Your Selves


    skips regular show. Once Skip was a regular on the
  • Once Skip was a regular on the

  • hebron
    10-28 02:37 PM
    Thanks guys for posting your experiences.

    I spoke with my attorney today regarding filing a new PERM labor and I-140 under EB2 with the same employer. My EB3 labor was filed for Software Engineer position and now my role is a senior role as a Principal Software Engineer. My job duties have changed but not by 50%. My attorney says in order to successfully apply for EB2 labor and I-140 with the same employer, the job should be 50% different from the EB3 Job description.

    I don't know how to convince my attorney. Can somebody tell me if I have a valid case for EB2.

    I have an MCA from India and 4 years of experience before I joined my current employer. Now I have 12+ years of experience. My current job as a Principal Software Engineer requires a Bachelors + 7 years or Master's + 2 years of experience. I have a Masters with 4 years before I joined my current employer. So i should be eligible to apply for EB2 labor without the experience gained from my current employer. Is that correct?

    hot Regular Show! skips regular show. skips regular show. skips regular show. skips; skips regular show. skips
  • skips regular show. skips regular show. skips; skips regular show. skips

  • sunny1000
    04-30 08:12 PM
    so how can you give these dot to other people ?

    You need to click on that post's "balance" symbol on the right side of the post (next to the post #). Once you do that, it will ask you if you "approve" or "disapprove" the post. Click on one of those and write your comments.


    house tattoo Mordecai - Regular Show Wiki skips regular show. Regular Show 1-Oh skips regular show. 2011 regular show is amazing.
  • 2011 regular show is amazing.

  • vgayalu
    04-25 11:05 AM
    Yes . It is nice proposal to take the arrival date as priority date.

    Some guys are applying from different states than where they work or living and get processed very quickly. some states are being delayed. So Taking the arrival date as priority date is genuine and fair.


    tattoo skips regular show. skips regular show. skips regular show. notjustjay skips regular show. skips regular show. skips
  • skips regular show. skips

  • Libra
    09-12 02:13 PM
    thank you imm_pro, let's go to DC.

    Thanks IV...way to go.

    Just made a modest contribution of $200.

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 11:28 AM PDT
    Google Order #313190031134013


    pictures skips regular show. skips skips regular show. 2010 skips regular show. skips
  • 2010 skips regular show. skips

  • ab_tak_chappan
    08-15 08:53 PM
    do u expect people to stick around even they get their GC? come on dude.. once anyone gets a GC they start working towards their next target. I don't see anything wrong in it:D:D
    True, once the people realize that they are close to GC they forget all tasks and move on to the other forums (R2I or USC or whatever) there are very few who actually stay on and help add this to the fact that most of the EB3-I's got fed up with the nonsense going on (most were only looking for a sounding board to voice their dismay, instead they were reminded of the caste system). So EB2's stop working because their PD is current and EBs stop because there is little hope/chance/help. We can dissect the VB as much as we want, the fact of the matter is that EB3 as a whole and EB3 (india &China) in particular are screwed big time. There is hope in the Logfren bills but the congress seems to have other 'important' issues to discuss.

    We should take the campaign to a new level move from individuals to involving groups and compaines. They have more money and power to make things move. EB3 & EB2 discussions will go on for ever, we can either decide to wallow in our sorrow or do something. Lets identify groups who can help us and write to them. Each EB should talk to his/her HR and ask them to write a letter to their congressman/Senator it will have a bigger impact.

    What are your thoughts?

    dresses skips regular show. skips regular show. skips; skips regular show. skips skips regular show. skips regular show. this
  • skips regular show. this

  • digital2k
    05-07 04:20 PM
    It feels great to have called everyone and making sure friends call as well ..

    Pls Don't wait any longer, pick up your phone and be part of it NOW
    Make sure you motivate others also
    Let those phones be busy for the GOOD

    For your convenience here are all the details : (

    This is The call
    Don't miss the chance

    IV and We suceeded in July, 2 Year EAD and many more ...

    Pls pick up the phone and do your bit

    IV is YOU and is Your Best Friend


    makeup skips regular show. doing skips regular show. tattoo Mordecai - Regular Show Wiki skips regular show. Regular Show 1-Oh
  • tattoo Mordecai - Regular Show Wiki skips regular show. Regular Show 1-Oh

  • Dhundhun
    09-10 02:09 PM
    EB2-I PD announcement, which is a black hole coincided with CERN Big Bang Machine. After watching History Channel (they explained details, how this CERN Colloider can create dark matters and black hole) in mid night, PD announcment turned morning bad.

    USCIS is as chaotic as Big Bang and its announcements hits like Black Hole.

    It was so bad news, that I could not see any further, what is happening to others.

    girlfriend skips regular show. skips skips regular show. skips regular show. skips
  • skips regular show. skips

  • sidbee
    03-17 07:36 PM
    Looks like IRS is not going to give us back 1200$ as part of the stimulus package,which they were planning to earlier.

    Source >,,id=179211,00.html

    Basic Information on the Stimulus Payments

    Updated March 14, 2008 � new 1040A-3 package

    You've heard about it. Now find out how to get yours.

    What is it? It's an economic stimulus payment that more than 130 million households will receive starting in May. It's not taxable, and it won't reduce your 2007 or 2008 refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return.

    Are you eligible? You're eligible if you have a valid Social Security Number (SSN) and show qualifying income of at least $3,000 on your federal tax return. Both people listed on a "married filing jointly" return must have valid SSNs to qualify for the payment � if only one has a valid SSN, neither can receive the payment.

    Can you use an ITIN instead of an SSN? Taxpayers with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) instead of an SSN are not eligible to receive a stimulus payment. Both people listed on a "married filing jointly" return must have valid SSNs to qualify for the payment � if only one has a valid SSN, neither can receive the payment.

    Not eligible at the current time? If your circumstances change and you become eligible after you file your 2007 federal tax return, you can always file an amended return using Form 1040X. If you're not eligible this year but you become eligible next year, you can claim the economic stimulus payment next year on your 2008 tax return.

    Dont make news , which is not true.

    hairstyles Once Skip was a regular on the skips regular show. skips regular show. skips regular show. be Mordecai+regular+show+; be
  • skips regular show. skips regular show. be Mordecai+regular+show+; be

  • leoindiano
    03-07 07:52 AM
    We may have to believe him....

    It doesnt mention Hillarys lastname though, thought that is funny....She was in Brussels this week though...

    Like Hillary, Who?

    02-18 11:30 PM
    It would move by 2 or 3 months at the max.

    The first bulletin with Eb1 and Eb2 spill over.
    Last year:
    Mar 2008- India Eb2 U
    Apr 2008- India-Eb2 01 Dec 03

    This year may be:
    Mar 2009- India Eb2 15 Feb 04
    Apr 2009- India Eb2 28 Feb 05 (My PD :))

    07-18 03:04 PM
    This would suck for older priority dates.

    My priority date is March, 2002!! Application was delivered to Nebraska on June 15th but the Receipt date is in mid-July.
    So all those filers with priority dates after me (did not come across any with PD older than mine) that got their receipt notices before me would jump ahead in line!! Who knows how many years more...

    Hopefully they will change their procedure after this fiasco to go by Priority Dates first and then the receipt dates.

    That requires sorting of the application by PD. But the SOP does not mention anywhere about the PD Sorting. I am sorry for you guys.

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