Wednesday, June 29, 2011

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  • shreekhand
    07-09 06:57 PM
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    Unfortunately not without. See my PM to you.

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  • eb3India
    03-08 09:46 PM
    "The first proposal for immigration reform this year is expected to be introduced by Senators John McCain and Kennedy in the next week"

    Here is the statement from this article, how did they predict this timeline,

    something is cooking

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  • plakshmi
    08-26 12:11 PM
    My daughter has joined in a medical program in India and she has to return to US after 4 years to continue her studies. Her 485 is in process and she has stamped H4 upto 2012 ( 3 years from now). I am trying to find out the best strategy to get her here after 4 years if we dont get GC prior to H4 stamping expiry.
    Should I continue to apply her EAD and Advance parole whenever she visits US (She will come to US atleast once every year)? Or Can I apply for her EAD and Parole just before the expiry of her h4 stamp (That is after 3 years)? Please advise.

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  • gc_75
    07-11 10:58 AM
    Hello Everybody. I am new to IV. Recently I have filed my wife's I-485 (06/28) after my I-485 approval on 06/18. My lawyer said that he has filed it by using the "Follow to join" benefits. He is saying that he cannot guarantee that USCIS will accept the I-485 since my I-485 is already approved. He said that we just have to wait and see until the receipt notice is issued.

    Is anybody else in similar situation? Also does any one know what kind of documentation and cover letter needs to be included for this kind of case? I have asked him if he has included the I-485 approval notice and he said "No".

    Thanks for your time:


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  • Macaca
    05-19 07:30 AM
    A New Reality in Washington, but Can It Last? ( By SHERYL GAY STOLBERG ( May 19, 2007

    WASHINGTON, May 18 � Six months after Republicans lost control of Congress, President Bush is learning the rules of a game that, for six years, he seemed to have forgotten: the Capitol Hill edition of �Let�s Make a Deal.�

    In the last eight days alone, talks involving cabinet secretaries and other high-ranking White House officials have produced two surprises: a major compromise with Democrats on trade and Thursday�s fragile bipartisan accord on immigration. The question now is whether the sudden burst of deal-making will extend from these easier targets to the most intractable issue in Washington: the war in Iraq.

    It is still far from clear whether the Bush administration and Congressional Democrats can be flexible enough to reach an accommodation on war spending � and indeed, the Iraq talks stumbled on Friday. What is clear is that both Mr. Bush and his rivals are shying from the path of confrontation. Democrats, for the most part, are refraining from muscle-flexing, showers of subpoenas and other displays of new clout. And a White House hungry for legislative victories is working hard to negotiate a vastly changed political landscape.

    �The president has become belatedly pragmatic,� said Ross Baker, an expert in presidential-Congressional relations at Rutgers University. �I think it took a while for him to recognize that the ground rules have changed, but he seems finally to have come around to the realization that he�s not working with a docile Congress of his own party, but with people who really have decided that they are going to challenge him.�

    The White House chief of staff, Joshua B. Bolten, who is the president�s lead negotiator on the Iraq bill, conceded in an interview earlier this week that it had been difficult for the administration to get accustomed to not controlling the legislative agenda.

    Yet despite �a fair amount of substantive tension� in the relationship with Democrats, Mr. Bolten said, the immigration and trade deals have left him feeling encouraged.

    �We have some ways to go,� he said, �but there is a process of confidence building that accumulates over time.�

    Maybe so, but after six years of being virtually ignored by the administration, many Democrats remain wary. Senator Byron L. Dorgan, Democrat of North Dakota, complained on Friday that the Bush White House had �never been very interested in anything except the way they wanted to do business.� Mr. Dorgan said he was not impressed with the fact, given the change of party power, that they are talking.

    �That gives credit for low expectations,� he said.

    Others, less in the thick of things, sounded more upbeat. Leon E. Panetta, a former chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, said he had been concerned, once the Democrats took control of Congress, that �an awful lot of blood in the water� would prevent the parties from coming to terms on �low-hanging fruit� like immigration and trade.

    In Mr. Panetta�s view, the talks are a good sign. �Whether it can go into bigger areas like the war remains to be seen,� he said. �But it clearly helps build at least a rapport that you absolutely need if you�re going to try to come to a deal.�

    Mr. Bush, of course, is not the first president who was forced to come to grips with a new political reality after losing control of Congress. Mr. Clinton did just that after Democrats lost the House of Representatives in 1994. That loss created the political climate that enabled Mr. Clinton to make good on his promise to revamp the nation�s welfare system.

    Likewise, the change in November has made it easier for Mr. Bush to pursue his trade agenda and his long-cherished goal of immigration overhaul.

    In the trade deal, the administration�s unlikely partner was Representative Charles B. Rangel, the tough-talking Democrat from Harlem. The White House acceded to his demands for child labor and environmental protections in several pending trade pacts, a move that would have been unthinkable when Republicans controlled the House, because Mr. Rangel�s Republican predecessor as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, Bill Thomas of California, would have blocked it.

    On immigration, Mr. Bush�s position already seemed nearer that of Democrats than Republicans, and some in his own party are highly nervous about the deal. Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi, the Republican whip, who was majority leader when Mr. Clinton was president, said Republicans would criticize the administration as giving away too much on immigration, just as Democrats criticized Mr. Clinton as giving away too much on welfare overhaul.

    �But,� Mr. Lott said, �I would argue that the White House is coming to terms with the reality of the situation in Washington, and they don�t have any choice. We can all get into our partisan crouches and get nothing, or we can go through a process of responsible negotiations.�

    Administration officials say both sides seem to be learning as they go. But Iraq is an area where Mr. Bush has been especially unwilling to yield. He has made clear he has little interest in sharing his power as commander in chief.

    While Mr. Bush has been trying to strike a conciliatory tone � he said Thursday that he would accept benchmarks for the Iraqi government � the breakdown in talks on Friday was a reminder that Iraq is not immigration or trade, and the president will only go so far.

    Some say the trade and immigration deals could actually work against compromise on Iraq. After cutting two big deals, Democrats and Republicans might not be inclined toward another one, for fear that they will look wishy-washy with their respective political bases.

    On the other hand, one force pushing toward compromise is that neither side can afford to get blamed for holding back money from the troops. Even so, Mr. Panetta says it is too early to be optimistic.

    �There�s some light at the end of the tunnel,� he said, ��but it could get dark real fast.�

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  • SGP
    04-04 05:08 AM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD MORNING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    This is a supporting thread to the "Want to File I-485 without Current Priority Date? Gather here" thread started by pappu.

    As suggested by pappu/starsun, this supporting thread provides impacted members with additional information and tools to help the initiative.

    Visit Immigration Voice Wiki ( 2C_and_EB3.29) - for overview of Employment Based - Green Card process
    Visit I485 Filing w/o current PD Wiki ( - for overview of this initiative

    As pappu stated in the first post of the above referenced thread - some of the ongoing efforts include finding how many IV members would get benefit from such a provision and get basic details such as username/Priority Date of impacted members. Future action items might include drafting documents and letters to support this provision. There maybe actions such as sending emails etc. However we would not be able to open a public action item unless we can have thousands of our members willing to participate in a grassroots action item. This survey intends to understand the needs of our membership for this provision and collect grassroots information.

    The fact is we have a dedicated group of volunteers (and we need more) who have been trying their best to spread the message about this initiative so that a strong grass-roots support can be created leading up to launch of the public action items. So far we have around 1100 people who have responded. Based on quick calculations carried out using PERM data, it is estimated that there are at least 60K-70K EB applicants waiting to file I-485/EAD/AP (this is a very conservative estimate..the actual number could be much more). Grass-roots initiatives require time and patience and we request maximum number of impacted folks to participate actively.
    What can you do to participate?
    1) Vote on the poll/survey created by Pappu.

    Then please send an email to (starsun) with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your a) IV username b) Email address c) Phone #, d) State of Residence e) Priority Date - so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated

    2) Print out below Flier and circulate at all asian/indian malls/groceries/theaters. Forward the flier to your friends/co-workers and ask them to do the same.

    I485 Filing Initiative Flier (

    3) Volunteers have created a facebook community and an Immigration Voice WIKI page to spread the message about this initiative. Please circulate these links among your friends/co-workers who will be helped.

    Please "Share" and "Link" and "send to friend" the facebook community via your Facebook account. Also include these two links when you post on the IV forum.

    Facebook - IV I485 filing w/o current PD initiative community (!/pages/Immigration-Voice-Grass-roots-Campaigns/150562351660693?v=info)

    (Just FYI that you might have to be logged in for the above link to direct to the facebook community. Alternately, search for "Immigration Voice Grass-roots Campaigns" to find the community after logging in. Search "Immigration Voice" to go to the IV's main facebook page)

    Immigration Wiki -
    I485 Filing Initiative - IV Wiki (

    PM these members for additional info:
    nmdial ; geevikram ; vbkris77 ; ashwin_27 ; snathan
    Dedicated members can also join the leaders group:


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  • askreddy
    09-25 12:36 AM

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  • raj3078
    11-09 12:56 PM
    Yesturday night, I saw Charlie Rose Show, in which he first interviewed Andi Carr and then RAHM EMANUEL Representative (D-IL)....
    In the middle of conversation, Charlie asked Rahm about what Dems agree and disagree and how they will work with President. He replied that there is no all disagreement. He said Dems agree on Tax reform as well as Immigration. Then he went on to talk about favoritism to CIR.

    It seems like winning the election even while being on Immigration side as well defeat of Representatives J.D. Hayworth and Randy Graf (Hardcore Immigrant Haters) have embolden Dems that Immigration is not as taboo as it was once thought. I have a feeling that they will get this done sooner than later. :)


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  • roseball
    09-26 12:21 PM
    In this case, her H4 status is still active, right? We dont have to leave the country and re-enter again. Please advise.

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    10-26 01:34 PM
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  • reachinus
    07-14 01:13 PM
    I think if you can prove the emergency to the consulate then you can book an emergency appt. I assume all H1's are eligible for this appt. SEnd a mail to consulate and chekc it out.

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  • pappu
    07-09 01:09 PM
    Hi Pappu and rest of IV admins,

    I have been an active donor but had to temporarily cancel my subscription due to pay pal problems. I am back donating again and cannot access the donor forums. Could you please help me with this issue? I tried writing on the 'Contact us' form, but havent had any luck so far.

    Could you please send a PM or an email with your latest contribution details. Its better to message us rather than opening a thread.

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    Blog Feeds
    06-04 01:40 PM
    [Blogger's Note: It's often beneficial to get a fresh perspective on a topic from someone with a special insight born of long experience. Here then is a thought-provoking take on what real reform of the immigration laws would require. Reader beware, however, that the following views may be considered controversial and are solely those of my anonymous friend, colleague and long-time observer of U.S. immigration law and policy in the real world. The views in the guest post below do not necessarily reflect the views of or your faithful blogger. Your comments are welcome and encouraged.] Possibly the most...

    More... (

    07-31 12:24 PM
    You may be eligible. CIS usually requires 4 years of university-level education for a degree, or 3 years experience for every one year missing from a 4-year degree. An educational evaluator could say for certain if you have the equivalent of a US bachelor's degree.

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