Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • mayitbesoon
    08-07 10:32 AM
    It is so true. BEC victims are now I-140 backlog victims. It might help if IV can campaign for I-140 premium processing for BEC backlog victims. Ours is EB2 2003 from PBEC. LC process took 4 years. We are still waiting for I-140 to be approved while they are approving GCs for 2006 filers. It is absolutely unfair game by USCIS.

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  • cdeneo
    02-09 03:02 AM
    You have gotten a lot of feedback already here, just some additional practical advice-

    1. You need to decide whether you will be happy comprising for the rest of your life just so that you can protect your baby' life? Make a decision thinking long term if you think your marriage will work or not.
    2. As long as you are in the US - be sure you are aware of the legal laws and don't do anything that will go against you (harrassment, abuse, etc). Allegations can be made but do not do anything in anger/frustration that acts as evidence against you in the future.
    3. Make sure your wife DOES NOT TAKE THE CHILD AND LEAVE THE COUNTRY UNDER THE PRETEXT OF A VACATION. Cause if that happens then you will be blackmailed for your child and my advise would be to not travel to India under any circumstance since laws there are totally against the MEN.
    3. If you decide to go for a divorce, find a good lawyer and get all the information. Do it in the US - laws in India will be in your wife's favor.
    4. In general do not travel to India until you are assured that these issues are settled and you won't get stuck in India even if you go there only for a vacation.
    5. Record conversations and build proof incase things go bad in the future. Do not take this lightly - this will be your only savior if false allegations are put against you in India.

    I been a member of IV for a long time and just to keep myself anonymous for a while I created this account. I am so sorry for opening a thread in a completely irrelevant forum but I have no idea what to do. So, I request all the members to please help me by providing some kind of information.

    Here is my story:

    I came to US in 2002 and completed masters and been working since then. I got married couple of years ago. Whatever the monetary gifts the girls parents gave as part of the marriage, I put all that in an account on the girls name within 2 days of the marriage. We came to India and from then on the problems started. She and her parents want me to separate from my parents and support their family by sending money to their parents which I couldn't do. How can I leave my parents in their old age when they worked very hard to give a decent life. She has been harassing me mentally for this all the time. Recently her parents have been threatening me saying they will file dowry case in India if I don't send money or cut myself off from my parents. I provided for the girl in all possible ways, even encouraged her to join school to get a masters degree which she stopped soon. We had a baby recently and my parents visited us to help us with the baby. She started harassing them too by saying something or other.

    I am very frustrated at this situation and I don't know what to do. I am on H1B and applied for 485 too. At times I feel like applying for divorce but when I think about my little baby I am not able to take that step. The house we currently live in, I bought long before the marriage. It came to a situation where we cannot live together. I cannot ask her to go out of the house because she doesn't have anywhere to go and with the baby even if she leaves, it will be very tough. I said I will leave the house and stay in a apartment for which she threatens to commit suicide. So, I don't know what to do. I am worried about my baby because between all this my baby's life will be spoiled and I don't want that. Can anyone please tell me what I can do in this matter?

    Thank you very much for taking time to read this.

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  • Green.Tech
    06-01 07:46 PM
    Back to the top!

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  • eb3retro
    03-11 01:38 PM
    I do not know if USCIS is going with receipt date or any procedure. My Receipt date is June 27, 2007. Notice date is August 9, 2007. My case is not touched either till now.

    pls see my reply to gc please..


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  • bluekayal
    08-23 11:02 AM
    Thank you to everyone who read the USCIS document and did not press the panic button. The memo talks about a 2 step process....for most of you I don't see how it affects your GC dreams...relax...they will be fulfilled. No sweat...(or convince me otherwise...after all I did get the I-140 exceptional ability in the art or sciences..etc..without labor certification.)

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  • jung.lee
    09-12 12:41 AM
    Great idea, although I prefer the "Whatever Clock (" since their [USCIS] forward and backward movements happen for no apparent rhyme or reason.


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  • optimystic
    09-10 03:32 PM
    People in the forum are talking a lot about visa recapture..

    But how will this help if USCIS continues to disregard PDs utterly and just approve cases that they can lay their hands on....

    Due to July 2 fiasco, pretty much everyone have filed I-485...Even those with 2007 PDs.

    Say USCIS recaptures Visas, makes every category current and starts approving 2007 PD cases! Even worst, due to the every category 'C', may be 2008, 2009 (when it arrives) people start applying I-485 as well, and USCIS continues to consume all the visa numbers to to approve the cases of these lucky bas*$%^&ds (no offence!) with most recent PDs. How does this help you or me with older PDs waitin for years and years ! :(

    even with recapture
    - the visa numbers are not unlimited
    - the processing power of USCIS is not unlimited

    - The capability of USCIS to screw up at every opportunity seems to be unlimited
    - And the number of lucky bas*$%^&ds who get approved despite newest PDs seem to be unlimited too :)

    So , think visa recapture alone wont solve anything. We have to make USCIS accountable. Make them process cases fairly. Make them respect PDs.

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  • wandmaker
    06-18 08:25 AM
    Today's Funding Drive Requirements, We are looking for

    Two 500$ heroes (EB1) or
    Ten 100$ heroes (EB2) or
    Twenty 50$ heroes (EB3) or
    Any combination of above* Classification is for fun, no offense


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  • srikondoji
    08-13 03:59 AM
    Hey nave_kum,
    Why do you think this is misleading? If you look at the date of the post, then the monday should be the following monday from that date which passed long time back. Let me know exacly what misled you, i may try to re-interpret if need be.
    It is upto you to conclude who is right and who is wrong and nobody here is warning him because he is junior.
    I have politely warned him, because i thought it was the right thing to do because of this discussion going in the wrong direction. I complained the adminstrator and moderator becuase that was the only tool available to me. Whatz wrong in this approach?
    Best regards and cheers.


    I just logged in thinking that by Monday, we July 2nd filers wud be getting receipts. But after flipping the pages back on this forum, I saw that the Monday was indeed the previous one. This is indeed misleading. After seeing the ongoing tussle between buddyinus and Srikondo, I realised Buddyinus is right. Whats wrong in whatever he's saying??? The purpose of this thread is to discuss about the so called Monday's receipts. But since that Monday is gone, looks like u r fighting over nothing. How dare u warn anybody on this thread. I am with Buddyinus on this. He may be a junior but u dont have any rights to warn him. Beware.

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  • gc_on_demand
    04-30 03:03 PM
    Aytes is talking about transformation program...

    Any idea on transformation program ??:confused::confused:


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  • santb1975
    05-31 02:43 PM
    That is awesome

    $50 recurring sent to IV yesterday.

    .................................................. ...
    $320 + $50 recurring

    Proud to be an IVian. GO IV GO..

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  • john2255
    10-23 08:23 AM
    The news about these amendments really lightened up our suffering retrogressed souls.

    But its really unfortunate to know that President Bush is gonna veto the bill altogether.

    Hope same kind of amendments are offered in other bills with high sucess rate of passing.

    These few days are critical since November 16 is the adjournment date for Senate and no immigration bills will be approved in 2008.

    We cannot wait till 2009 or later. Please save us from this hell of retrogression.


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  • JazzByTheBay
    12-15 06:32 PM
    Wishful thinking aside - realistically speaking, it's zilch. As USCIS seems to have predicted, even with spillover implemented the PD isn't moving to 2006 any time soon.


    What are the chances for the PD moving to Mid 2007 by end of 2010 ? :(

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  • kopra
    05-02 09:43 AM would have been nice if we got the stimulus pakage with this situation of spouse on H4/ITIN. I called my congresswomen and wrote a letter to IL Senator(obama) to let her/him know this issue. I dont expect any action, but since they are aware of this situation, may be next time when they give this pakage( may be 10 years from now) they will include H4's

    Many H1s like me have their non-working spouses on H4 visa who are not given SSNs. Do we not pay taxes ? Do we not pay Social security ? We do, and therefore we should also be eligible for the Stimulus package. Indeed my son is autistic and disabled but we are not eligible for any kind of aid but we pay tons of taxes and social security. It is highly non-justified think. I know people will argue a lot if it is compared to slavery. But it is a "modern form of slavery". Yes, we are in this country with our own will but that is what they are making use of.


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  • looivy
    07-20 03:53 PM
    What about receipt notices? Isn't that teh first step? I do not believe it will take 20 months to get a receipt notice. Are you sure they have only 30 folks for EAD. Is that a known fact? What if it is 300?

    How about outsourcing it?

    The calculations below is not to scare anyone but it may very well a reality. Based on the assumptions below, some people may have to wait up to 20 months to get a EAD card: Ouch!

    A Total I-485 Applicants: 750000 Applicants
    B Each EAD processing time: 5 Minutes
    C Total processing hrs: 62500 Hours
    (Calculations: AxB/60)
    D Daily productive Hours: 5 Hours
    (It is a government body!)
    E Total Man Days (Business Days): 12500 Man Days
    (Calculations: C/D)
    F EAD Workforce: 30 People
    G Total Business Days: 417 Days
    (Calculations: E/F)
    H Average Business Days in a month: 21 Days
    I Total Clearing Time : 20 Months
    (Calculations: G/I)

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  • Marphad
    07-06 11:37 AM
    Can you please let us know what gives you the right to call for a change the leadership?

    Not that I say we need change, but this is a public organization. Everyone has a right to call for election. There is nothing wrong.

    Only issue is, whoever wants to contest has to come out with public profile as mentioned by someone before. There are only few people who are openly public and with known real identity on this forum - thats sad!

    I am surprised to see that IV has 450K asset! Where did that number come from?


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  • yabadaba
    08-10 01:09 PM
    Diluted drinks wont help you - Have " straight up "...

    Its August 12th today and we are really screwed
    dude its august 10th? wait till 4 pm to start drinking at least :D

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  • murali77
    07-09 05:39 PM
    I am in for the LA rally. Live in San Fernando valley.

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  • WeShallOvercome
    07-20 05:29 PM
    And who says only Matthew Oh has all the right to create sensations ! :)

    If you are determined to make sensational calculations and postings then who can stop you, but seriously stop assuming things.

    1st assumption: 750000 applicants (realistic figure near 500,000)
    2nd assumption: all are adults (why would kids need EAD, and there would be several in that category)
    3. it takes only 5 mts could take more or less who knows,
    4. work hrs
    5. number of people.

    Stop being so negative and sensationalizing everything. There are more genuine problems to talk about.

    04-30 02:57 PM
    Tony Edson, Charlie Oppenheim's boss explaining the process of how the PD's are moved in VB. Says CIS uses 90% of the EB visa numbers. Says their job in last quarter becomes tough because of unpredictability and talks about the 95% utilization rate of visa numbers with in DOS

    06-03 12:06 PM
    Canadian_Dream, I think your interpretation is wrong..

    41 for an employment-based visa filed for classification under
    42 section 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Immigration and Nationality
    43 Act (as such provisions existed prior to the enactment of this
    44 section) that were filed prior to the date of the introduction of
    1 the [Insert title of Act] and were pending or approved at the
    2 time of the effective date of this section, shall be treated as if
    3 such provision remained effective and an approved petition may
    4 serve as the basis for issuance of an immigrant visa. Aliens with
    5 applications for a labor certification pursuant to section
    6 212(a)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall
    7 preserve the immigrant visa priority date accorded by the date
    8 of filing of such labor certification application.


    I think what AILA, our core group and other attorneys are trying to say is that as long as you filed before May 15, 2007 you will be fine regardless of whether your petition is pending or approved. There is no dispute about this point. Any applications that were filed after May 15, 2007 will become null and void the day this bill is signed by the president to make it a law. The 'effective date' ( Oct 1, 2008 ) does not apply for applications filed after May 15, 2007. I will be glad if you can prove me wrong :)

    Well this is very confusing.
    What if a person files the I-140 after May 15th and his/her I-140 is approved. Later assume that I-485 date becomes current for that particular person (before Oct 2008), he/she files for the AOS/I-485 (before Oct 2008). While the I-485 petition is pending the date Oct 2008 comes what happens then? Will this nulify the filed I-140?


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