Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • priti8888
    07-23 03:12 PM
    Guys, We just got the magic e-mail.!!
    Card Production ordered
    PD AUG 2004
    RD DEC 2004
    EB3 INDIA :) :) :)

    thx everyone for your help and suppport!!

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  • lskreddy
    04-30 03:30 PM
    Taking a break at work so decided to listen in. Aytes said something astonishing a little bit ago -- the FIFO was a great idea but under present circumstances it is not...something about very early PD applications may take longer...

    This is an outrageous statement and he deserves to be berated and grilled about it. I hope IV core is paying attention and will bring this to Lofgren's attention.

    I hope a full transcript will be made available. There should be a point by point response to all their BS.

    I agree. This was an outrageous statement.

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  • desi3933
    07-06 10:50 AM
    Although 30,000 people are IV members but when you need them except a couple of hundred you don't see anyone.

    How can an organization work which can't even collect 5K a month from its members. We all are willing to spend hundreds ( sometimes thousands ) of dollars on EAD, AP , H1, labor, I-140, I-485, lawyers etc etc and don't even spend 100$ a year (yes not month - a year).

    >> Although 30,000 people are IV members
    I beg to differ here. 30k+ plus people have signed up so far, but how many are active now? How many have even logged in IV in last 3 months or even 6 months? I don't see any link to discontinue membership here, so we don't know how many people up signed up and left?

    There is no way to know count of "active members". Many IV members have got GC in last 2 years and they have "quitely" left IV and forgotten the struggle by EB based immigrants. How many members stay at IV after getting GC?

    Many people believe that by getting EAD they are Temp GC holders and motivation for seeking any benefit is gone.

    I am pained to say this, but we are a thankless community.


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  • superdude
    07-21 02:28 AM
    Voting seems to be on political lines. Democrats probably didn't want to yield any ground because of their dear CIR failure. We need a targeted campaign (strategy) on the Democrats - Hillary spoke very favourably to the Indian student community recently about H-1B and immigrant visas but her vote is not in line with her statements
    It is somple politics. Democrats do not want to give credit to President Bush.Presidents approval rating is the worst in the last 30 years.Any bill that Bush supports will be failed in the Senate and the House as well.


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  • apb
    09-12 02:37 PM
    This is specifically for those people who have never contributed but feel like contributing but for some reason hesitate to pull the trigger. For all such people who start a monthly contribution of $50 and promise (not to me or anyone else but themselves) to keep contributing for at least the next 6 months, I am going to make a one-time contribution of $50 for every such person. I have a modest upper limit, which I will disclose after the first 10 new contributors.

    So people, Sept 18th is approaching fast and IV needs your contribution. Now is the time.

    The only requirement is that the member has never contributed before and starts a $50 dollar recurring contribution. For every two new contributors I will make a $100 one-time contribution. Moderators may verify my contribution.

    This is great thinking and wonderful initiative. It is a lesson how we all can be creative and help others motivate. It reminds of a story. There were two teams US and Japanese. They each were divided into two groups each and made to stand facing each other. There was a imaginary line drawn and the goal of each team is to convince their team members on the other side of the line to cross over. US Team were never able to convince their team members to cross over and move to other side.
    Japanese simply said to their team members on other side.. If you cross over we will also cross over.. and they won. As simple as it may sound here is a classic example shown by Milind. You rock Milind.
    And you make me feel proud in being associated with you in this struggle for our cause.
    I am also in the drive for funds with my indifferent colleagues. See you in DC.

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  • h1techSlave
    10-01 10:27 AM
    EB limits�The 1990 Act specifies that the worldwide limit on EB preference immigrants is equal to 140,000 plus unused FS-preference visas in the previous year.

    What can we do, so that USCIS does not really issue that many FS category visas during 2007 - 2008?


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  • apet2007
    03-10 11:18 PM
    You must be a permanent resident to open or own an S-Corp. An LLC is the best way to go and if you are not engaged in actual sale of goods, you can register this LLC in Nevada and pay no corporate taxes. I've done it. All income then passes through your own filing. Have a CPA and I strongly recommend you do this. Registering a NV LLC only costs $195 annually. Go to and it will walk you through.

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  • chintu25
    07-15 05:33 PM
    �For all things difficult to acquire, the intelligent person works with perseverance.�
    Lao Tzu



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  • paisa
    07-06 03:25 PM
    can someone tell me who is core? I hear core mentioned all the time here

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  • jay
    07-07 12:40 AM
    Can Patton Boggs do better? Haven't we had more legislative success, I mean traction, when we partnered with Quinn Gillespie? Are we receiving sound advice on which of our grievances require legislative action and which ones can be redressed by a mere change in policy on the part of the executive? It looks like most of our current problems were not ushered in by any new law, but rather by a stroke of a pen in a memo by the incompetent and indifferent INS, USCIS, DOL and the State Department. No change in law was needed to make then deny us concurrent filing in Oct 2005 and allow it in July 2007. No change in law was required to deny us visa revalidation. One could argue that no change in law is required to belatedly use unused visas from the previous years. The list goes on. It should be easier to lobby a handful of buffoons in the executive branch with real power than 500+ buffoons on Capitol Hill. Has Patton Boggs served us well?


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  • santb1975
    05-23 10:29 PM
    Thankyou for the contribution

    Contributed $100 today.

    Transaction ID: 6WL593393P795301W

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  • kaisersose
    06-10 10:26 AM
    To all RonGcher fans:

    Where is your RonGcher now?
    He predicted a heavy forward movement of dates in the last quarter.

    You thought he knows more and has inside information? :)

    Now you know these lawyers are out there just to market themselves and get more clients.....

    He was going by the logic that apparently DOS was releasing visa numbers on a quarterly basis. It should be clear now that it is not true. DOS is no longer releasing visa numbers on a quarterly basis.

    Ron Gotcher does not have a crystal ball. He was predicting based on past statistics. It was subject to the condition that DOS had not changed its model.


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  • willwin
    04-01 04:34 PM
    First of all why do U wanna ask that? Its an employment based visa that ur GC is based on. So, ur employer shud ask that. Why are u asking IVans to do something which is not in their control??? I keep getting red and dont mind if I'm banned. But excuse me...u r misleading IVans. My point is this. We can protest, rally based on the delay. Thats pretty much we can do. Inquiring into a Government agency's internal affairs is none of ur business. And I repeat u dont have any rights to do that as u have NO direct link to USCIS. U have applied thru ur employer and ur employer shud speak for u. Do u even get it? Ur statements and arguments have no logic whatsoever and misleading.

    I tend to disagree on this. Sorry about that. What you are saying may be true until the case is in LC phase or perhaps, I140 phase. Beyond that, I BELIEVE (correct me if I ma wrong and dont jump on me) that the individual can deal with USCIS as far as queries are concerned. May be, if there was a RFE, then the employer/attorney should dela with. But not queries.

    If not, why is USCIS even responding to queries on 485. Are they doing something that they shouldn't be doing??

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  • 9years
    10-21 02:30 PM
    I am not sure how porting works. I heard in some cases they will be ported automatically and in some cases we (attorney) have to request for porting. I will talk to my attorney and post the information here as I get it.

    Thank you and best of luck every one.


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-24 10:21 AM

    Please keep sending emails.

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  • ramus
    07-19 12:08 PM
    Lets keep this thread moving.


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  • qualified_trash
    01-03 03:58 PM
    I think it is the perspective that has changed. Until 2 years back we were ready to die to live in this country, we thought our country was crowded, polluted etc. etc. Things haven't changed much there. It's still same, criminals are still the most powerful, power, food & Shelter is still scarce, poor count hasn't decreased. It's just we are not seeing now 'the dark side of the moon'. There's no doubt our American dream is screwed up big time. We have ruined the best times in our lives. Out of these 1 million Visa holders, 1000's would have been entrepreneurs, artists, etc. etc. but this green card chase has beaten us down to H1B Visa holder forever.
    my contention is that if you had stayed back, you would not even have what you have today.

    assuming that 1000's would have done something better is a VERY big assumption.

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  • sam2006
    09-12 09:08 PM
    Looks like you will soon cross My 350 Contribution ;)

    I pledge 100$ more once Milind123 equals 400 !!:D
    Any Takers !!!

    thats the Least we non attending :( :(
    folks can do

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  • flthere
    07-11 10:39 AM
    Well, everyone is going to pay just one time for EAD from now on ... but sad thing is they need to apply for EAD again in a year ... at that time it's gonna be free applying :D

    07-11 08:30 AM
    I agree looks like CIS is getting its act together. but with such a big jump in dates. We will see random approvals like May 2006 before July 2004 etc.

    Is this big jump for EB2 due to overflow from other categories? Is this as a result of awareness around visa wastage?

    09-12 10:25 AM

    We need people to run this drive and devote some time to this action item. Please keep this thread alive

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