Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • akhilmahajan
    10-25 11:15 PM
    Same with me. I hope people understand that this is a serious issue.

    GO I/WE GO

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  • learning01
    04-26 10:41 AM
    I respect the efforts of IV and actively support them.. To kick up some dust and buzz, amongst our American collegues, TV news reporters, talking heads, professors etc., I suggested that we must write about this injustice. Taking SS Tax and Medicare tax from non -immigrants is injustice. Americans will not tolerate injustice. What we are discussing here, whether we should do something about this collectively at IV, so that our GC processes will be speeded up, as a indirect consequence. This great country should understand more the injustice is being done to us, the highly skilled immigrants

    - in visa extension / stamping issues (a family has to spend 6 to 10 grand to get a visa stamping, appointments are not availabe for next 4 months etc)
    - in employment (cannot take promotion, cannot easily change jobs without losing Priority Date),
    - in labor clearance and
    - in GC Process (visa numbers, etc)

    Thanks for the links. I didn't read them as I don't have to. I had indeed done research on the visa stamping issue. I am not ignorant, but I take your words as compliment.

    You must understand employment visas, like H1B are non-immigrant visas. That alone should make Uncle Sam stop collecting SS Tax and Medicare. If any trial lawyer does a class action law suit or what we call a Public Interest Litigation, the US government should be in lot trouble. Because no one is questioning, they are passing on. I was also told by a SWA high official, that there is a provision, that you can opt out of deduction of SS Tax and Medicare, if you are on H1.

    I want to focus on core IV goals. I will not post any further on this SS Tax issue. But, my last word is: dual intent is dangerous and applicants will be denied visa and entry into US. So, readers be careful. You have a non-immigrant visa.

    From US Embassy in Canada for visa stamping requirements:

    In order to qualify for most categories of U.S. non-immigrant visas, you must be able to demonstrate to a U.S. Consular Officer that you have a permanent residence outside the United States that you do not intend to abandon. You may satisfy this requirement by showing you have strong economic and social ties to your country of residence. "Ties" are factors that would require you to return to your country of residence, upon completion of your temporary visit to the United States.
    LIN: US Embassay Canada. GOV (

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  • m79
    08-11 08:16 PM
    I am July 2nd filer, Got finger print notice from NSC with notice dated 8/7.

    Hi, Congrats,
    Did you get the receipt notices

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  • pcs
    07-05 01:59 PM
    Good job pcs !!

    I'll take my family to the congressman's office and the documents that you suggested. We can not sit quiet now!

    Just please let me know. WSJ news article & Congresswoman's letter adds a lot of muscle in your argument when you meet them

    Some can use following letter to email / fax.............................

    Hi ,

    This is not a regular mail.. I on behalf of many others need the support of honest media persons like you, else our faith in American media will be gone for good....

    pl. read on...

    Illegal action by USCIS causes $ 300 million loss in a single day to Legal & Skilled Immigrants ( Doctors, Engineers & Scientists ) not counting the hardships.

    Skilled immigrants like Doctors, Engineers & Scientists have been paying all the taxes, following all the laws of the land and have been stuck in huge wait period of 3- 7 years to obtain green card.

    On 13th of June 07, USCIS announced that all these people stuck for years can apply for the green card starting 2nd July 07. Everyone spent 2 weeks & $3000 per person at the minimum towards Attorney fees, medical tests & other unsalvageable direct costs prepared the application and started to send it to USCIS starting 2nd July 07.

    In an unusual act of absolute disregard to the hardships and financial loss of these applicants, USCIS announced on the morning of 2nd July 07 that they will not accept any application for green card.


    If nobody takes an action to support law abiding legal immigrants at this time, everyone talking about supporting the laws of the land on immigration issue needs to look into his / her own eyes in the mirror.

    What we demand �. Talk to USCIS & encourage them to ATLEAST accept the applications sent by these innocent Skilled Immigrants so that they do not suffer at least the financial loss. USCIS can take their own time to award the green card at a later date

    ARE WE ASKING FOR TOO MUCH ???????????????????


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  • tikka
    07-18 02:04 PM
    As a $20 recurring contributor till now, I am upgrading my monthly contribution to $50 from today onwards.

    Good luck to everyone and my wishes to IV CORE.

    Also IV membership just crossed the 21000 mark.

    Threads: 5,912, Posts: 118,961, Members: 21,000 , Active Members: 14,163

    for your contribution.. :)

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  • abhishek101
    09-08 11:38 AM
    Similar law exists in UK if you are on workpermit for 5 years you automatically get Permanent residency.


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  • unseenguy
    02-09 10:19 PM
    So many idiots here who dont know what marriage means and use their wives as a "maid" for their housework.

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  • FSL
    09-10 11:19 AM
    This might be good news for EB3 ROW guys like me? PD AUG 2003 still waiting?
    Any thoughts ? EB3 ROW visas were unavailable !!


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  • pointlesswait
    06-10 12:08 PM
    same as DUI...but with lesser penalty...

    what is a DWI?thanks.

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  • conundrum
    04-30 04:06 PM
    In fact there should be a mandatory GreenCard 101 to cleared at least with a grade 'B' or better for anyone to be on the immigration committee :D


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  • bsbawa10
    09-12 10:03 AM
    The campaign will fail in my opinion. Because anytime you ask people to spend money, many will not. Such activity and motivation for the campaign will die out next week when visa bulletin fever is over. We will again get agitated next month same time. So unless we figure out a campaign idea that costs us no money, it is bound to fail. I am for a phone call campaign. Or if we really want to do something big, we should do a rally in DC with 10 thousand members.

    I agree that calculator /flower campaign can fail. But poster (actually pamphlet) and letter campaign will cost only 41 cents stamp from us.

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  • bigboy007
    05-15 12:21 AM
    There was a campaign on wrongful denial in AC21 , there was also letter campaign not sure what happened after that ? It was IV action item too... What was the conclusion ? should we all suffer even if it is a training issue, if they act such nice on letters , then why they act as if there is no form and if AC21 is for real aliens from a real alien world.

    I guess you are now happier than before. You are close to getting your issue resolved.

    No one knows why people who are eligible for AC21 portability are going through this.

    When I discussed this issue at my congresswoman's immigration specialist, he asked me why do you think USCIS is doing this? So - basically no one knows.

    Many people have said that this is a training issue. maybe it is. We don't know


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  • rajuram
    12-18 02:09 PM
    I have been wanting to post this for the last few days and was happy to read this thread.........can we do something like an Immigrant's Boycott Day or something where we should do a mass boycott all over the country.....we need to coordinate this across the entire country and do a gandhi style protest.....but we need atleast maybe 1000 people per city to do it.....I am not sure how difficult it is to get that many people.....but that seems to be the only way to create an Impact.......WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR EMPLOYERS FEEL THE IMPACT OF NOT HAVING US FOREIGN WORKERS.....THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS EXPLOITATION........its like when all the mexican farmers stopped working on the strawberry farms.....there were no strawberries in the market....I am in the Detroit, MI area.... we need to come up with a list of big cities where we can get 1000 people per city.

    Hit them where it hurts the most.

    I do not agree with ideas such as this one. We have to be careful not to attract any negative publicity. It is all about perceptions, lets not add to all the negative attitude towards aliens.

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  • Pineapple
    01-06 04:58 PM
    The video is obviously edited, so it is hard to put some of the statements into context without access to the entire transcript. (In any case, we cannot see what charts he is referring to)

    Anyway: Regarding the point that it is relatively easy to find skilled people here than in India, I tend to agree. However, the reason is that the most skilled graduates from India (and China) do not stick around for long there, and are actually to be found here! Without checking the raw data it is impossible to comment on Mr Wadhwa's assertion regarding ease of filling positions in US vs India/China. (For instance, does his data on US companies include positions (in US) filled by immigrants or does it include only positions filled by US born citizens?)

    Getting to where he is amazed that R&D is done in India & China, I'm not sure why that is surprising, and indeed, why should it even contradict his assertion that the vast majority of Indian/Chinese graduates are appalling. I'm not commenting on whether that assertion is true or not. I do not know, but, even granting it is true, it is important to remember that a minority of a large population might be as big, or bigger than the majority of a small population. (Remember, you have to exclude all foreign students from US universities and only include US born citizens in the population of American engineers. Why? Because all foreign students would need H1 to work here, just the same as a student in a Indian/Chinese university. To avoid 'double counting' basically) So how do we compare apples to apples? How do we compare "number of good engineers in US" vs "number of good engineers in China/India"? It is very hard to do that via a survey, if not impossible. The best survey is observing the "invisible hand" of the market: If good research is done in India/China, while simultaneously, immigrants from there have a had a huge role to play in Silicon Valley's success, that tells you something, does it not?


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  • Kodi
    06-19 10:06 AM
    Can we come up with a standard letter that we could all use?

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  • waitingmygc
    05-19 05:08 PM
    Thanks chanduv23 for providing detail steps.

    Great news ind_game. Hope eveything will be normal in a month.


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  • eager_immi
    07-18 04:22 PM
    I love the idea of monthly subscription website what does the core think. This works just like AILA does.

    I know many of friends who use IV as recourse for NEWS but they don't register nor contribute. Even after multiple reminders and sarcastic comments they don't. I feel pity for them, they don't understand by registering and contributing they help them self and others. Shouldn�t we make IV a monthly subscription web site? That way we will have only serious members.

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  • eeezzz
    09-10 10:50 AM
    Look at this VB a different way. They don't have a good system to do FIFO so this is the alternative way to do FIFO. Those people who have much older PD probably will appreciate this bulletin.

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  • franklin
    09-10 12:13 AM
    and i am NOT the real Lou Dobbs. But in all seriousness guy, I think we really have to wake up. We are illegal immigrants....
    And we are not asking for Amnesty...

    There is no deying the fact that this country has benefited from us much than us. How about some moral abligation and sense of fairness from this great country???

    Speak for yourself, I'm totally legal

    09-01 03:28 PM
    Landed here on jan 1st, 1998 (F1)
    Survived 2 recessions
    No hope as labour filled in eb3

    Dude you need to get serious about this. It will take you 21 years if the system does not change. Upgrade to EB2.

    12-12 05:49 PM
    What are the chances for the PD moving to Mid 2007 by end of 2010 ? :(

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